

//Message you receive when you accept the rules
AcceptedMsg: "&2You have succesfully accepted the &6rules&2! Have fun!"
//Message you receive when you do /acceptrules without having read the rules
MustReadRules: "&4You must read the &6rules &4in order to accept them!"
//Message you receive when you do /acceptrules again
AcceptedAllreadyMsg: "&4You have allready accepted the &6rules&4!"
//Message you receive when trying to build, but it's disabled below
CantBuildMsg: "&4You must accept &6rules &4to build!"
//Message you receive when trying to do something you cannot do yet
InformMsg: '&2You have to accept the &6rules&2! Use &3/rules &2and then &3/acceptrules&2!'

//Teleport the player after accepting the rules. Location can be set using /ar settp
TpAfterAccept: false
//Inform user they have to accept the rules when joining the server
InformUser: true
//Notify OPs when a player accepts the rules
NotifyOPs: true
//TP players to the spawn location when joining. Location can be set using /ar setspawn
TpOnJoin: false
//Allow building/breaking before having accepted the rules
AllowBuildBeforeAccept: false
AllowMoveBeforeAccept: true
HideChatBeforeAccept: false
BlockCommandsBeforeAccept: true

//You can either edit these manually or use /ar settp to modify them. Used to teleporting after accept
TpWorld: world
TpPositionX: 0
TpPositionY: 0
TpPositionZ: 0
TpPositionPitch: 0
TpPositionYaw: 0

//You can either edit these manually or use /ar setspawn to modify them. Used to teleporting after joining
SpawnWorld: world
SpawnPositionX: 0
SpawnPositionY: 0
SpawnPositionZ: 0
SpawnPositionPitch: 0
SpawnPositionYaw: 0

//Automatically update the plugin when there is an update
update: true
//Use multiple pages. This enables /rules <page>
usePagination: true

  //commands the player performs when accepting the rules. Same layout as consoleCommands
  commands: []
  //commands console performs when accepting the rules. Example: pex promote %player%
  - command1

//Header above the /rules command
rulesTitle: "====Rules===="
//Whether or not to hide the page count. Recommended false
hidePageCount: false