AbductionCraft Kits v1.0.0
Description: AbductionCraft Kits (ACKits) is a plugin that I have decided to release to the public! ACKits is a plugin that I am working on every day to make sure that everything is perfect. I made this plugin for my KitPvP server, but I have decided to release it to the Bukkit community!
Diamond Sword - Sharpness 1
Full Iron Armor
/Archer :
Stone Sword - Sharpness 1
Bow - Infinity 1 - Punch 1 - Power 1
Leather Helmet
Chainmail Chestplate
Leather Leggings
Chainmail Boots
Iron Sword
Full Diamond Armor
Slowness 1
Health Boost 2
Full Chainmail Armor
Iron Sword
Strenght 2
Slowness 1
Donator Kits
Chainmail Helmet - Proection I
Leather Chestplate - Proection I
Chainmail Leggings - Proection I
Leather Boots - Proection I
Iron Sword
Fishing Rod - Brings a player to you when hooked
Diamond Axe - Fire Aspect 2 - Sharpness 2
Diamond Helmet - Fire Protetion 3
Diamond Chestplate - Fire Protection 3
Chainmail Leggings - Fire Protection 3
Iron Boots - Fire Protection 3 - Feather Falling 3
Gold Helmet - Protection 2
Diamond Chestplate - Protection 2
Diamond Leggings - Protection 2
Diamond Boots - Protection 2
Diamond Sword - Sharpness 5
Chainmail Helmet - Protection 4
Iron Chestplate - Protection 4
Chainmail Leggings - Protection 4
Iron Boots - Protection 4 - Feather Falling 3
Regeneration 2
W.I.P. Kits
- ACKits.Vew.Default
- ACKits.View.Donator
- ACKits.[KitName] Ex: ACKits.Pyro
I am Working on AbductionKits 2.0! It should be out by either Early September or Middle of September! There is going to be a lot of new Fetures! Some are:
- Some Kit's aren't OP anyome (King & Pyro) - New Kits - Nicer Chat - Kit Selector - Config (Hopefully)
And More that I don't want to tell you >:D. Just Wait and see what is in the changelog for 2.0!
Thanks !