
AnhyLibAPI: For Minecraft Plugins

AnhyLibAPI is a library designed for integration into Minecraft plugins, developed to enhance their capabilities on servers running on Spigot, Paper, Purpur, and other Spigot forks

ProtocolLib plugin version 5.0.0 or higher is required for operation.

AnhyLibAPI must be loaded on the server as a plugin. It's crucial to understand that AnhyLibAPI, in its role as a plugin, does not monitor any events, have timers, or interact with the world or players, ensuring no additional load on the server's operation and performance. The primary purpose of AnhyLibAPI is to provide its API to other plugins, serving as a robust foundation for extending their functionality. This design ensures that AnhyLibAPI enhances plugin capabilities without compromising server efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Multilingual Support: Easy integration of language packs for plugins.
  • NBT Tags Handling: Advanced management of NBT tags for flexible data interaction.
  • Player Persistent Data: Efficient use of persistent data for players.
  • Customizing Messages: Individual customization of message delivery to players.
  • Logging: Unique methods for event logging.

Key Features of AnhyLibAPI

1. Multilingual Support

AnhyLibAPI implements a unified standard for multilingual support by checking "Player Persistent Data" for the player's selected language. If a selected language is not found, the player's Minecraft client language is used by default. Additionally, it supports the inclusion of a list of preferred languages, enhancing flexibility in localization.

2. NBT Tags Handling

AnhyLibAPI simplifies the addition, modification, and deletion of NBT tags in items, enabling developers to effortlessly manage key item data within the game.

3. Player Persistent Data

This feature allows for the storage, retrieval, and modification of players' personal data, such as settings, statuses, and achievements, providing deep personalization and preservation of individual player details.

4. Customizing Messages and Logging

These functionalities offer message customization and color-coded logging for various message types. They enhance communication between plugins and players and facilitate more effective tracking and analysis of events within plugins.


JavaDoc for AnhyLibAPI are available at the following link: AnhyLibAPI Documentation.

Integration with Gradle and Maven:


dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.AnhyDev:AnhyLibAPI:v1.3.3'


        <url> </url>

Plugin Writing Examples:

For a comprehensive, ready-to-use plugin example that implements AnhyLibAPI, visit the following link: AnhyLibAPI Plugin Examples. This example is more than just sample code; it is a fully functional plugin featuring multilingual support, configurable settings, and player commands. Developers can use this plugin as a foundation, renaming and repackaging as needed, while also adding their own code to extend its functionality. It serves as an excellent starting point for understanding and applying AnhyLibAPI in a practical, real-world plugin project.




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 17, 2023
  • Last Released File
    Apr 24, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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