

It is just what it is.... a beautiful method to crack some skulls and keep an inventory on who and whats skulls you've cracked. ;)

With Chaos Skulls you can configure the drop rates and disable what ever you don't like about the plugin. Don't like the rabbit heads? Turn them off. Don't like the Mushroom Cow heads? Well they probably don't like you either... but... you can still turn them off.

All mob heads are covered and working with Spigot 1.8.6. And unlike any other mob skull plugin out there that we know of... we got something new and exciting! ELDER GUARDIAN SKULLS!!! So now if you kill an Elder Guardian, you won't get that dumb ole' plain Guardian head... (okay, its not that dumb or plain, but you get the picture.) Every mob has been covered, tested and displayed. If you don't want to take my word for it, just look at these testimonial pictures I took:
Aww... look at them all together. Such a great group of fiends! :D

And this is from when I went camping with a band of rogue Wither Skellies. Not the best weekend ever. o_O

So, if you just want a simpler mob skull program, or replace that crap that don't work, give Chaos Skulls a try. We guarantee all our products with a 1 Year Money Back, No Questions Asked, Guarantee! o_O

Now for the serious stuff: :D
If you can't figure it out, post a comment.

# ################################# #
# +-------------------------------+ #
# | Configuration for ChaosSkulls | #
# +-------------------------------+ #
# ################################# #

# ### Version 1.2.0 For Spigot 1.8.6 ### #

# All values must be between 0 - 100.
# To disable a mob skull drop, set to 0.
# To always drop a skull, set to 100.
# These basically work like percentages.
# So... Drop skull 5% of the time = 5
# Drop skull 19% of the time = 19
# Just simple math people. ;)

# If you need to reset this file for any reason, delete it from the ChaosSkulls folder and restart server.

# Passive Mob Skull Drops

Pig: 1
Sheep: 1
Cow: 1
Chicken: 1
Squid: 1
Wolf: 1
MushroomCow: 1
Ocelot: 1
Horse: 1
Rabbit: 1
Villager: 1
Bat: 1

# Aggressive Mob Skull Drops

Creeper: 1
Skeleton: 1
Spider: 1
Zombie: 1
Slime: 1
Ghast: 1
Pigman: 1
Enderman: 1
CaveSpider: 1
Silverfish: 1
Blaze: 1
MagmaCube: 1
Witch: 1
Endermite: 1
Guardian: 1

# This sets drops for Golems

IronGolem: 1
SnowGolem: 1

# Bosses

ElderGuardian: 2
EnderDragon: 100
WitherBoss: 100

# Player Skulls PvP Drops

Player: 25
# Should we broadcast to the server on Player skull drop?
DeathMessage: true
# If true, What should we say?
DeathMessageText: '&4[ChaosDev] &e%killer% &8just cracked &e%killed%"s &8skull!'
# Should we make a sign to mark a players place of death when killed by another player?
GraveSign: true

# GraveSign Details

# GraveSigns are signs placed at location of players death.
# It reads like so:

Line0: %Killed%
Line1: Murdered By
Line2: The One & Only
Line3: %Killer%

# Gravesigns can be edited. Be sure that the sign info will fit in a sign. If it does not fit, it will break the plugin.

- chaos.skulls.* "Gives all permissions"
- chaos.skulls.nodrop "Allows the player to keep their head on"
- chaos.skulls.admin "Shows the help page"
- chaos.skulls.admin.* "Gives all admin commands"
- chaos.skulls.admin.get "Permission to use /csget command"
- chaos.skulls.admin.reload "Permission to reload the config file"

/chaosskulls "Shows the help and information page"
/csreload "Reloads the config file"
/csget <PlayerName> "Gets given players head"

If you like the plugin ( and we know you do. ;)) Leave us a good review, tell your friends, tell your family, tell your dog! And if you love the plugin.... donating doesn't hurt, after all this plugin did cost me a lot of coffee. :D Enjoy!

Known Bugs:
Heads do not stack between restarts. (Fix: In Progress)
Heads do not retain name on place and break. (Fix: FIXED)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 6, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jun 6, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

