Legendary Start

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Legendary start

Legendary Start

Legendary Start is a bukkit style login bonus, in which you can configure different ways to receive items. On top of that, this plugin is made to suite your needs and be very dynamic.

How It Works

  • When using the default configurations, when you login into the server for the first time a double chest inventory will open and you will be able to choose three different items form at least two different sets. In the bottom left and right there will be two enchanted books labeled next page, back page or next set, back set respectively and obviously you may not choose these items as a reward. There is also a second inventory that you can choose from which you can receive a random reward. This inventory is reachable by typing [/lsm random] this inventory also has enchanted books like the original one. But there is an extra enchanted book which allows you to receive a random item when you click on it.


  • In the data folder where the configuration is stored you will see a sets folder in here you can make files with any name you want but they have to be .yml files and those files will act as sets to choose from. But you must have at least 1 set/file.
  • This plugin uses the set files to fill the login inventory, and If you plan on adding items to this file you will have to fallow a specific pattern or it will not work.The pattern is as fallows <ITEM_NAME_IN_ALL_CAPS>: <quantity>, so for example:
     LAPIS_BLOCK: 64
    But not all item names are as they appear for example a Sticky Piston would be PISTON_STICK_BASE and for the items with more than one variant that you wish to add you will have to make it like the example below, and the zero in the example below is to include the original item along with all of the other ones.
      0: 1
      1: 32
      2: 15
      3: 51
    For those who don't know what all of the exact item names are, i have already compiled a long list of possible item configurations and a list of all of the item names HERE.
  • The following configuration is for custom items
  Amount: 1
  Meta: 0
  DisplayName: A Hoe
  - hey i have cool lore
  - DAMAGE_ALL 2 true

configuration explained:

CUSTOM:                //any name that you want but please fallow a standard naming convention because the name can never be the same
  Type: DIAMOND_HOE    //The type of Item or block the this item will be
  Amount: 1            //The amount of that custom item [Must be at least 1]
  Meta: 0              //The meta value to use if it does not have any use 0
  DisplayName: A Hoe   //In game item name 
  Lore:                //In game lore text i.e. the purple text
  - hey i have cool lore
  Enchantments:        //Enchantments configuration: <Enchantment name> <amount> true
  - DAMAGE_ALL 2 true

For enchantment names go here And for item/block names go here

!! But some more advanced items may or may not work !!


    description: Reload all configuration files for Legendary Start.
    permission: ls.reload
    aliases: [lsreload, lsr]
    description: Opens the login inventory if you havent chosen an item yet.
    permission: ls.menu.original
    aliases: [lsmenu, lsm]


    description: Gives access to all Legendary Start commands and menus.
    default: op
    description: Gives you access to rload all of the configurations.
    default: op
    description: Gives you access to view the original login inventory.
    default: anyone


  • Add commands
  • Add permissions
  • Add configuration for custom items
  • Add Sets
  • Make the inventory more dynamic to the amount of items that you have
  • Add configuration for receiving a random item
  • And anything else the community wants in this plugin.


  • If there is some urgent change that you need/want in the next update please pm me or post in the comments.
  • Be sure to update your config.yml file every time a new version of this plugin comes out.


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