

PlayerSpeedAPI is system for managing players speed across plugins. Makes possibility to accept plugin's request to change player speed only once by average of those speeds requested by plugins with some smoothing. I think you may like it because changing of speed is better by one plugin so other plugins can work together without much "flickering".

I plan to make it configurable so you can choose between some types speed merge (average, the lowest one, the highest one, some other complex ways,...).


playerspeedapi.playertrueGrants right to plugin to change this player's speed
playerspeedapi.adminopWill be required for admin commands


/psapi defaultplayerspeedapi.adminChange speed to default(Disable API)[on/off]
/psapi info [player name]playerspeedapi.adminShow info about player
/psapi unregplayerspeedapi.adminForce to unregister all plugins from API(Clears speed data)[player]

For devs

  • Main class is PlayerSpeedAPI with method getAPI()
  • API contains 3 usable methods
    • String[] registerMeForPlayer(Player player, int id) - used for registering speed for this player. You must register before setting speed!
    • String[] unregisterMeFromPlayer(Player player, int id) - if you want to remove your value from player, use this.
    • String[] putSpeed(Player player, int id, float speed) - base method for setting player speed. Uses standard MC speed (-1;1) def: 0.2.
  • What is ID: ID should be unique for every plugin or part of plugin so they could not interfere. Ex: My RealWeather plugin uses ID:1. :-D. If you try to register already registered ID for same player, you will get return code "01" what means "Already registered!", but NOT exception, so you should take care of it. List of used IDs HERE.
  • Return variances of String[]: Contains always 2 strings. First is return code and second is message for code.
"00""Success"Doesn't need description
"01""Already registered"/"Not registered"Message depends on method you call
"02""User does not exist"Means that user is not registered in API

Current work status: alpha stage - version 1.7.2alpha1

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  • Created
    Feb 3, 2014
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