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In action === === Permissions === === Files === === Help Support me!


Ever wanted to broadcast messages or dispatch commands without typing them manually? Well this plugin is for you then! This includes custom intervals, custom messages, and custom commands that will be dispatched! PvPBroadcast allows server owners to automatically broadcast messages or dispatch commands. It has custom intervals which you can customize.

This is my first Bukkit plugin so if there are any bugs or glitches please let me know.

In action

Custom Msg in action


Very few permissions atm since I just released it, but here are the permissions:

  • pvpbroadcast.reload - Permission for reloading the config file.
  • pvpbroadcast.player - Permission for player help menu.
  • pvpbroadcast.admin - Permission for admin help menu.
  • /pvpreload - Reload the config file
  • /broadcasthelp - Display the help menu
  • Extract the ZIP file into the plugins folder.
  • Open up the PvPBroadcast folder, there you will see the following files, commands.txt and broadcasts.txt
  • Commands.txt is where you put the commands you want to execute. Broadcasts.txt is where you put the messages you want to send.
  • Run the server, after finished you should see a config.yml inside the PvPBroadcast folder, there you can customize the interval between messages/commands. (IN SECONDS)


In the zip file it contains the files broadcasts.txt and commands.txt. This is an example on how to use them:

broadcasts.txt: This is the default broadcast, which will broadcast in white.

&4This broadcast is in dark red and &fthis broadcast is in white.

commands.txt: say Hi #this will execute the command in the console "say Hi"

In the PvPBroadcast folder after you have run the server, you will see a config file.

  1. This will determine how much time there will be between each broadcast. In seconds. Default is 20. TIME-BETWEEN-BROADCASTS: 20

Help support me!

If you like my plugin and my work, please support me, it will keep me going and make more plugins. Click here to donate and support my needs


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 6, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 7, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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