

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted the ability to easily and simply teleport animals between my friends and myself. With the 1.6 horses update out, I couldn't have thought of a better time to start developing this plugin. tpAnimals will let you easily teleport living animals (not spawn eggs) to other players on the server.

Initially I had intended to release this privately for my server NXTCRAFT, but I feel a lot of other servers could benefit from tpAnimals, so I released the project publicly on BukkitDev. :)

tpAnimals uses Plugin Metrics to collect anonymous data on how you use the plugin so we can improve in future features. The data is all publicly viewable at and can be simply disabled from the Plugin Metrics configuration file.

Usage Scenarios

  • Create a farm and sell your stock to other players.
  • Teleport your pets to your friend's house.
  • Go exploring and easily send the animals you find back to your city.

Commands and Permissions

/tpAnimals - shows all commands.

/tpAnimals version [tpanimals.getlatestversion] - Shows you the current version of the plugin, and get the latest if the player has permission.

/tpAnimals update [tpanimals.update] - Shows you the current version of the plugin, and get the latest if the player has permission.

/tpAnimals send <PlayerName> [tpanimals.send, tpanimals,sendToSelf, tpanimals.bypassCooldown] - Send your selected animal to a player.

/tpAnimals sendhome <EssentialsHomeName> [tpanimals.sendHome] - Send your selected animal to one of your Essential's homes.

To select an entity, hold sneak then right click a animal.

tpAnimals v1.3 introduced many more configuration options and permission nodes. Until this main page gets updated, look at the changelogs on the files page. :)

Planned Features

  • Configurable messages.
  • Play a sound or effect when you send/receive an animal.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 3, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 5, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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