
Ever wanted to be one of those characters from the Arthurian legends? Looking for some team PVP action? Want to RP with some friends? Well then this is the plugin for you!


Merlin is a plugin that allows you to jump into a legend of King Arthur. When the game starts, players are assigned roles. One player becomes King Arthur, one player becomes Merlin, one player becomes Mordred, and everyone else becomes knights and sorcerers. The goal of the game is for the teams (King Arthur, his knights, and Merlin; Mordred and his sorcerers) to kill all of the other players, who become souls (glorified spectators) upon death.


  • /merlin Lists the commands that use /merlin.
  • /merlin join Joins the Merlin queue.
  • /merlin leave Leaves the Merlin queue.
  • /merlin forcejoin <player> OR /merlin forcejoin all Forces a player to join the Merlin queue OR forces everyone to join the Merlin queue.
  • /choosearthur <player> Chooses who Arthur will be next time you play Merlin.
  • /choosemerlin <player> Chooses who Merlin will be next time you play Merlin.
  • /choosemordred <player> Chooses who Mordred will be next time you play Merlin.


  • Allows the user to join and leave the Merlin queue.
  • merlin.force Allows the user to force people to join the Merlin queue.
  • merlin.choose Allows the user to choose who Arthur, Merlin, and Mordred will be next time Merlin is played.

Playing as King Arthur

When playing as King Arthur, you get to lead the Knights of the Round Table against Mordred's sorcerers. You get the sword Excalibur, which is the only weapon that can kill Mordred.

Playing as Merlin

When playing as Merlin, you get access to two spells: Fireball, and Soul Frenzy. Each one of these spells cost Magic Points. Magic Points are represented by your EXP bar, and regenerate over time. Fireball does as its name suggests. Soul Frenzy summons souls (dead players who are spectating) to attack Mordred and his sorcerers. If King Arthur dies, Excalibur magically appears in your hand, as it is up to you at that point to kill Mordred.

Playing as Mordred

When playing Mordred, you get two spells: Fireball and Wither Skull. If a Knight dies, you get a bone. With this bone, you can summon an undead knight wherever you are looking.

Custom Camelot Map

As we all know, we can't have King Arthur and his knights without Camelot. If you don't have any spare Camelots anywhere, download ours!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 4, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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