Scala (the better Java) loader

This plugin doesn't do anything on it's own; It is merley a required dependency for any plugins written in scala. I have written a tutorial about how to make plugins using scala here. It doesn't actually contain any bukkit related code. It is just a repackaged copy of the scala runtime library, in plugin form. I take no credit for the scala runtime.

I am a server owner, and one of the plugins I want requires this. What do I do?

Download the plugin, drop the jar file into your plugins folder, and you should be good to go!

I am a developer. How do I use this?

Add a hard dependency to this plugin (ScalaLoader) and build your plugin like you usually would. This plugin will take care of loading the scala runtime code. You can read my Scala plugin tutorial for more information.

Why do I need this plugin? I can just copy the scala classes into my plugin!

If you copy any scala runtime classes into your plugin, it will cause conflicts with any other plugins that use scala. By using this, you avoid that.

Happy coding! :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 25, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 25, 2012
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