
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Ever wanted to protecting you and other Players from damage on login, for a defined Time? Preventing Camping? Adding Exceptions, like that a Owner is longer prevented that a Member? Then StartProtection is for you! With this Plugin, you can protect your Players on login, either just on the first login, or on ever login. All is configurable - and with adding excempts, you can define a invidual protection-time for each Player. (This Plugin is a request from anyone) First, the Config:

EveryLogin: false

If it's false, the protection is just enabled on the Players first join. Else, it's enabled on every join.

LoginProtectTime: 60

Here you give the time, in wich the protection is active - must be in seconds.


Change nothing, you can edit that ingame. So you prevent Errors ;) If, nevertheless, you would change it - take a look to the included example.


This is obviously. You can use Colorcodes in the Messages :) Okay, Commands (Used for the exceptions):
/sp listStartProtection.commandList all defined exceptions
/sp remove <name>StartProtection.commandRemove a defined exception.
/sp add <name> <boolean> <number>StartProtection.commandAdd a exception, with the name "name", EveryLogin settet on "boolean", and the LoginProtectTime on "number".
Other Permissions:

  • StartProtection.protect
  • You need this for using the protection.

What is a exception? A exception is needed, for giving invidual "StartProtection" abilities to a Player, ignoring the global settings. So you can give "EveryLogin: true" to a Player, altough the global "EveryLogin" is settet on false. Hope it's help! Changelog:

  • Released Plugin

PS: If anyone would help me to write this in better english, please send me a pn / comment this!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 3, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Nov 3, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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