


What is PvPDynasty?

Players can get titles from killing players; but not by killing any player, by killing the player with the title. This brings a new dynamic to Minecraft that will make any server much more thrilling and enjoyable.


  • Infinite number of titles
  • Give potion effects to titles (even ones not in game) and (infinite duration); give each title as many potion effects as you want and you can set their intensity + duration
  • Configure whether a title is obtained by killing a player with the title, or being killed by the player with the title
  • Configure each title's rank
  • Set whether titles are set as prefixes or suffixes
  • Each title, from the configuration, can be given to any number of players

How It Works:

Colour coding: Green for a title obtained by killing and Red for a title obtained by dieing. There are a few different scenarios of when a player's title is changed from the outcome of a PvP battle, these are:

  • If a player with no title kills a player with a title then the title is taken from them and given to the player with no title.
  • If a player with no title is killed by a player with a title then the title is taken from them and given to the player with no title.
  • If a player with a title kills a player with a higher ranked title then the titles are swapped around.
  • If a player with a title is killed by a player with a higher ranked title then the titles are swapped around.
  • If a player with a title kills a player with a title then the titles are swapped around.

You can also give/remove them with commands. When you first get this plugin, you will need to give titles out to your players as that is the only way to get them at first, because there will be no one to kill with a title.

How To Use It:

Download PvPDynasty.jar from this page and place it in your 'plugins' folder, then restart/reload your server and a config.yml file should be created. Use the config.yml to configure PvPDynasty. Help will be provided in the file, however some is given here:

  • You can use Colour Codes for the 'format' of titles.
  • To reset the data, delete the 'data.bin' and 'data2.bin' files.


  • /pvpdynasty - Shows help
  • /pvpdynasty give [player] [title] - Give a player a title
  • /pvpdynasty remove [player] [title] - Remove a player's title
  • /pvpdynasty titles - Display's a list of available titles
  • /pvpdynasty titledplayers - Displays a list of players who have a title
  • /pvpdynasty gettitle [player] - Displays a player's title
  • /pvpdynasty reload - Reloads the plugin


  • pvpdynasty.admin - allows the use of all commands.


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To Do:

Please leave a comment of support if you like the plugin or can think of anything else you think I should add.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 12, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 13, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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