Plugin Controller

New features might slow down as I am back to the school grind - hopefully I can keep up to date with major bukkit releases!

PluginController - You're back in control!

This plugin was designed / coded / tested from a server technician's point of view - Aiming to lessen the pain of plugin conflicts, and also to add plugins without having to reload every single plugin. PluginController is designed for debugging, and in no circumstances should anyone other than a server technician have the permissions to run this plugin, as it can cause major damage if used incorrectly!


- Load a newly added plugin without doing a /reload
- Before attempting to load a plugin, it will check it's dependencies, see if its actually a plugin and check the description file for the proper contents and if you are missing dependencies, it will let you know which ones.
- Start/Stop plugins, very useful for figuring out conflicts
- PluginController list function, very similar to /pl but includes version numbers, makes it alot simpler to check for plugin updates.


/plugincontroller start [pluginname|all] - Plugin name is optional, as leaving it blank or putting "all" will start all plugins. 
/plugincontroller stop [pluginname|all] - Plugin name is optional, as leaving it blank or putting "all" will start all plugins.
/plugincontroller reload [pluginname|all] - Plugin name is optional, as leaving it blank or putting "all" will reload all plugins.
/plugincontroller list -  Lists every plugin on the server similarily to /pl but includes version!
/plugincontroller help - Displays the user-friendly help screen.


Straight out of the config.yml *Procrastination mode - Activated*

    description: Gives access to all PluginController functions
      plugincontroller.stop: true
      plugincontroller.reload: true
      plugincontroller.start: true
      plugincontroller.list: true true
    description: Gives access to view PluginController help
    description: Gives access to use PluginController to reload a plugin
    description: Gives access to use PluginController to stop a plugin
    description: Gives access to use PluginController to start a plugin
    description: Gives access to use PluginController to list detailed plugin info

Side effects may include: Faster plugin drop-ins, less reloads, better quality of life for server technicians as well as stress-free updating, as this plugin should be compatible with bukkit for the forseeable future.


- Download plugins directly from this plugin - Featured plugins list - Even more!

If you would like to buy me a coffee each month, just throw a pledge on my Patreon page!
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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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