Remember Health


Features like attribute modifiers make it possible to let players have more than 10 hearts of max health. Unfortunately, when players with more than 10 hearts log out and log back in, their current health will be reset to 10 hearts, so they will need to regenerate most of their hearts after each login.



This plug-in will remember the health the players had when they logged out, and give it back when they log in again. It will also save the hearts when you restart the server.



This plug-in does not add any (items with) attribute modifiers by itself: it just improves the experience when other plug-ins use attribute modifiers that increase the maximum health (or you use vanilla minecraft commands to generate such items).



This plug-in doesn't use permissions.



This plug-in doesn't have any commands.


Minecraft versions

I only tested this plug-in on minecraft 1.12 and minecraft 1.16, but it will probably work on minecraft 1.13 to 1.15 as well. It will probably work on some older versions as well, but I won't take the time to try them all.



Just like most other plug-ins, you only need to put the plugin jar file into the plugins folder of your server.


Report bugs

If this plug-in doesn't work on your server, you can add a comment on this page, or contact knokko#7163 at Discord.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 20, 2021
  • Last Released File
    Jan 20, 2021
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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