Blothera Chat

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


What it is

This is a plugin that allows chat channels for private conversation, a better private message system, and custom login and logout messages.

Also check out Blothera Assassin, Blothera Archer, Blothera Blocks, Blothera Damage, Blothera Thief, Blothera Warp and Blothera Tools

Also check out the Blothera Kingdom Forums and sign up if you want to see all of the Blothera plugins in action


  • /BlotheraChat or /BC must come before all of the commands
    • Help - shows the help screen
    • Chat [Channel/Local] - either join a chat channel or quit a chat channel and go back into local chat
    • Q - Quick switch between a chat channel and local chat, while in local chat using this you will still receive messages from the chat channel
  • @PLAYER_NAME MESSAGE - sendes a message to the specified player, this does not require the /BC before it and it doesn't even require the full name of a player. For example if I wanted to say "Where are you" to only a player named 'TakenError105' (Made-up Player) I would type this into the chat screen (without quotes) "@take where are you?" and that would send this to him and me:
    • [Jogy34 -> TakenError105] Where are you?


  • BlotheraChat.Channel(0 - number of chat channels minus one) - Allows the usage of the specific chat channel
  • BlotheraChat.Login.Message.(0 - number of login/logout messages minus one) - uses the specified login and logout message

How it works

In the config there you choose how many chat channels and how many login/logout messages you want to use and then when you start the server it automatically generates that many default messages and chat channels in the config along with signing a permission to them. You then go back into the config and change the name and color code for each chat channel along with changing each login/logout message. Colors are supported with the login/logout messages.


  • Number_Of_Chat_Channels - chose the number of chat channels you want
  • Number_Of_Messages - chose the number of login/logout messages you want
  • ChatChannels - all of the chat channels you have
    • Channel0 - first chat channel
      • Name - name you want the chat channel it is under to go by, this is what the users type in to access it
      • Color - the color the name of the chat channel appears as before your name when you are talking in the chat channel

To Do

  • Anyone have any suggestions?

Known Bugs

  • If anyone finds any please create a ticket for it


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 7, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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