
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


PvP is one of the major aspects of Minecraft multiplayer. I, OctavianBC have gathered together my friends to make a solution. A problem that has plagued PvP servers is a lack of ranking or leaderboards. LeaderBoard is a Call of Duty-esque ranking system that measures PvP kills and posts them in client and on a website [optional].
The plugin will be able to list the top killers and their KtD (Kill to Death) ratio in game using the /board command. There will also be a bounty system that will allow a cash prize for taking down the top killer.
There will be no admin or mod permissions because none are needed. Nodes will be posted once the are determined.
Commands for the plugin are listed below along with the development progress of the plugin.
The plugin is still in planning stages as we are putting together the pieces of our plugin. The website part of our server will be the main feature and will also take the most time to create. As of now we are working on a JavaScript function that would allow us to post the scores online. We have a solid PHP/SQL/JavaScript developer ready to use for this and all of the authors have basic knowledge in web coding. The plugin will be made in Java, of course as myself, Octavian and our other author UnixUll both know Java to a certain extent. .
Download the LeaderBoard.jar file [Not finished]
Place the file in the "Plugin" directory of your server files
Restart the server to generate Config files
- /board
Lists the curren PvP kills board
- /bounty
Lists the curren bounty for top PvPer
- /lbreload
Reloads the Config file
Progress Tracker:
I. Main Plugin Class [LeaderBoard.java]
II. PvP Kill Listener [KillListener.class]
III. Standard Plugin YAML [bukkit.yml]
IV. Command Executor [cmdexec.class]
V. Kill Hashmap [khashmap.class]
VI. Death Hashmap [dhashmap.class]
VII. Commands [commands.class]
Completed items will be crossed off.
The web portion of the plugin is yet to begin.

The Dev Team
Head Developer: OctavianBC
-Will be directing development and writing the bulk of the plugin.
Developer: Unix Ull
-Advanced coder who will be helping write the web portion of the plugin.
Developer: Ethereal511
-Came up with idea and passed it on to me for development.
-Will be working on planning and building the plugin.
Graphics: ComCody2224
-Will be hosting the server to test the plugin.
-Will be doing graphics for the web portion of the plugin.


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