PVP_PROPER version 3, by Kuntz

Created using Bukkit 1.2.4-R1.0 (Build #1425)
Tested on CraftBukkit 1.2.4-R1.0 (Build #2126) (April 3, 2012) using Windows Java 6 update 31


A simple and one-of-a-kind PvP mod for CraftBukkit. This should be fully compatible with other PvP mods!

  • Tracks all facets of PvP interaction with painfully accurate matrices!
  • Extremely fast code and systems. A worst-case scenario of 1,000 players attacking each other in a very small room will only take this mod a few milliseconds per server frame to track!
  • No config or setup needed! There are no commands to use either! Just drop it and forget it!


I am sure you've played games like Call of Duty and Halo. These games don't just award kills to the player with the last hit, or assume someone who fell to their death was just committing suicide. These games track thousands of events per second and use the information to calculate who has actually killed who and how they went about doing it. Currently in MineCraft, if I push a player off a cliff to their death, the server simply says they fell to their death, and I would not be rewarded with a kill. What if I hit that player several times and they accidentally fell to their death? Again, the server would not award me with the kill. If I throw a bucket of lava on the ground and it kills someone some time later, again, no reward for the kill. The server really only thinks you kill someone when you get the last hit on them. If they are on fire, or drowning, there is a chance your last hit wont kill them, and the next tick of fire damage or drowning damage will! This is why PVP_PROPER was developed. It accurately tracks player interactions so kills can be rewarded to the players who deserve them!

Future Additions:

I am releasing the mod now in an early-release state that should be bug free. However the mod is far from complete and there are many new things I want to add! I'm doing an early release so server admins and players can give me feedback on what features and ideas they want implemented asap.


Version 3 - April 3rd, 2012 - Updated to latest RB. No other changes as of yet.
Version 2 - March 20, 2012 - 2 bug fixes.
Version 1 - March 19, 2012 - Mod released.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 3, 2012
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  • License



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