
Tired of chat plugins that aren't up-to-date or won't fit your needs? Talk more with TalkMoar!

TalkMoar is a new chat plugin with many features to make it unique from other chat plugins

Development builds can be downloaded at Jenkins.
Recommended builds can also be downloaded at the Jenkins Recommended Build page.
  • Chat channels
  • Reporting (/report)
    • Ingame
    • Remote
  • Message history (/playback)
  • Prefixes and suffixes with Bukkit's new permissions system

... and much, much more!

What are the commands?
Where "/talkmoar" is used, it may be replaced by any of the following to achieve the same effect:
  • /talkmoar
  • /tm
  • /chat
  • /c
  • /talkmoar to <channel> - Sets the chat channel that you are currently speaking to. You can be in an infinite number of channels at once, but can only speak to one at a time.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar join <channel> - Joins a chat channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar leave <channel> - Leaves a channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar invite <user> [channel] - Invites a user to your channel. You can only execute this command as an op of the channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar uninvite <user> [channel] - Uninvites a user from your channel. You can only execute this command as an op of the channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar setprivate <channel> <true/false> - Changes a channel's privacy settings. False for public, true for private.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar playback <messages> [channel] - Plays back the specified number of messages in a channel. If you want to report a message, you can get the message ID this way. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar report <message ID> - Reports a message with the specified message ID. The message ID is the number displayed in green when /playback is used.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar op <user> [channel] - Ops a user in the specified channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel. You must be an owner in the channel specified for this command to work.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar deop <user> [channel] - Deops a user in the specified channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel. You must be an owner in the channel specified for this command to work.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar ban <user> [channel] - Bans a user from the specified channel. You can only execute this command as an op of the channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar unban <user> [channel] - Unbans a user from the specified channel. You can only execute this command as an op of the channel. If no channel is specified, it will use your currently active channel.
    Permission node: (provided in talkmoar.user)
  • /talkmoar create <channel> - Creates a new channel.
    Permission node: (provided in*)
  • /talkmoar delete <channel> - Deletes a channel. You must be an owner in the channel specified for this command to work.
    Permission node: (provided in*)
  • /talkmoar reload - Reloads the TalkMoar configuration.
    Permission node: talkmoar.admin.reload (provided in talkmoar.admin)
  • /talkmoar region-create <name> - Creates a chat region from the current WorldEdit selection with the specified name. You must have WorldEdit installed to use this feature.
    Permission node: talkmoar.region.create
  • /talkmoar region-delete <name> - Deletes the specified chat region.. You must have WorldEdit installed to use this feature.
    Permission node: talkmoar.region.delete
  • /talkmoar region-channel-add <region> <channel> - Adds the specified channel to the autojoin list for the region.
    Permission node: talkmoar.region.channels
  • /talkmoar region-channel-remove <region> <channel> - Removes the channel from the autojoin list for the region..
    Permission node: talkmoar.region.channels

Permission nodes:
  • talkmoar.user - access to all user commands, excluding creation and deletion.
  •* - access to channel creation/deletion of one's own channels.
  • talkmoar.mod - ingame message reports are sent to players with this permission.
  • talkmoar.admin - players with this permission can use /creload to reload the TalkMoar configuration.

Help! I'm a developer and I want to hook into TalkMoar/use the web reporting API, but I don't know how!
Regarding hooking into TalkMoar: I provide full apidocs here.
Regarding using the web reporting API: I'll have a tutorial up for this soon.


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