
JAC Login


Description: THE Plugin has been Re-coded and is Not MADE BY XOX This plugin is a customization plugin for login and logout messages. This plugin supports Permissions Ex prefixes and suffixes unlike the other custom login messages plugins. We also allow colors as well.

Installation: The Installation for this plugin is very quick and easy place the jar file in te plugins folder then go to the JAC Login folder then the config to edit what you want the message to say.

Future Plans: I hope in the future to make more plugins if you have any suggestions please comment or PM me.
I Am Also Going to be setting up a wiki and Git hub and an open source if needed.

NEWS: Im also looking for new ideas on plugins so please pm on your suggestions.

Developers and Donations: Im am looking for some coders so if you know how to code and are willing to help on my upcoming projects then please PM me.
Donations Are Greatly Appreciated.
(Clink One Link)

Known Issues:

Im in the process of updating it to work with build 1317


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