
LoginCodes is a plugin that makes it so that players with logincodes.login will have to type in a code before they can use commands, chat, or move. 



The default code is 4123, although this can be changed in the config. If you are the owner, it will likely ask you for a code immediately after reloading. Only players with logincodes.login have to log in.



/login <code>


/logc (Main command)

/getlogin <player>

/loginplayer <player>

/resetlogin <player>

/setlogin <old password> <new password>

/setplayerlogin <player> <new password>



logincodes.login - Makes user have to log in upon joining.
logincodes.setcode - Allows users with logincodes.login to set a new code.
logincodes.getlogins - Allows user to get someone's login code (/getlogin or /getlogin <player>).
logincodes.privatelogin - Makes it so their code can't be seen with /getlogin and can't be set by other players.
logincodes.loginothers - Allow use of /loginplayer command to login a player.
logincodes.logoutothers - Allow use of /logout <player> to log someone else out.
logincodes.setotherslogin - Allow use of /setplayerlogin <player> <new password> to be used.
logincodes.resetlogin - Allow user to reset someone's password to first-join-code.
logincodes.getotherslogins - Allow user to get others logins with /getlogin.


Feel free to leave helpful suggestions or bug reports in the comments!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 21, 2019
  • Last Released File
    Jan 22, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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