tr-AllowCrackOnline (BungeeCord)

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Tr-AllowCrackOnline is a plugin that allow player without official minecraft version to used your your server with login/mdp
(This plugin is strongly inspired by AlwaysOnline)
Use this plugin carefully, i'm not reponsable if it caused bug with your other plugins (The offline UUID are generate randomly)
I have create this plugin to allow my friends who cant buy Minecraft to play with us and to test my mini-games plugin with multiple account on my online server.
  • Allow user without official minecraft version to connect to your server
  • Allowed user based on mysql database
  • Login/mdp on dedicated server for better security
  • Custom Messages
Dependency :
  • Mysql database
  • One server dedicated to authentification
  • BungeeCord

Installation :

  1. Setup a mysql Database
  2. Modify your config file with mysql information/name of the auth server and your main server (previously set in BungeeCord config file)
  3. Add the allowed players with /ac add <pseudo>

How it work:

  • If its a player with normal minecraft version it can connect to your server normally.
  • If a player with cracked version connect to your server
    • If the player have been allowed by an administrator with AllowCrack.usage permission it will be connected to the auth server and need to login to access to the rest of the server.
    • If the player is not allowed, it is just rejected by the server.


  • /ac enable - Enable the plugin
  • /ac disable - Disable the plugin.
  • /ac add <pseudo> - Add player allowed to use cracked version.
  • /ac remove <pseudo> - Remove player allowed to use cracked version.
  • /ac list - list all player allowed to use cracked version
  • /register <password> <password> -  Register to the server (for cracked users)
  • /login <password> - Login to the server (for cracked users)
  • /changePassword <oldPassword> - Change the password (for cracked users)
Futur update:
  • Your suggestions


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