
This plugin is like vault, a universal bank that any plugin can hook up to. This plugin has more variety then vault because it also does scoreboards and allows multiple plugins to add, or remove scores! If you have 3 plugins trying to utilize the scoreboard and they just keep overlapping each-other, this plugin would help greatly! If all the plugins using the scoreboard uses it through the means of this, it would simply add them on to scoreboard. I can not supply commands or permissions because this plugin is completely developer. Also I plan to add many more features but currently I'm out of ideas. The way I have it coded is a nice layout of handlers, so it is easily changeable and I can add as much as I want!


Here is how developers can use this:

UniPlugin base = (UniPlugin) Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("UniPlugin"); // Getting my plugin
MainHandler handler = base.getMainHandler(); // Getting the main handler

MoneyHandler money = handler.getMoneyHandler(); // Getting the money handler
ScoreboardHandler scoreboard = handler.getScoreboardHandler(); // Getting the scoreboard handler


And from the money handler you can:

getAmount(String uuid); ---> Returns the amount of the uuid (player)

addAmount(String uuid, int amount); ---> Does not return anything, adds amount to the uuid (player)

removeAmount(String uuid, int amount); ---> Returns a boolean if it was successful in, removing amount from the uuid

hasAmount(String uuid, int amount); ---> Returns a boolean to test if they have enough or not


For the scoreboard hander you can:

addText(String uuid, String text); ---> Adds text to scoreboard for uuid (player)

removeText(String uuid, String text); ---> Returns a boolean if it was successful in, removing text

containsText(String uuid, String text); ---> Returns a boolean to test if they have the text or not

update(String uuid); ---> This is called when you addText or removeText, but you can manually call it if you would like to: updates the text


NOTE: For scoreboards adding text you can put a semicolon and then an integer for the value like so: 'Money:1'

And that is all!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 5, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Mar 5, 2017
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