ezSpawn | Advanced Spawn plugin!

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Disclaimer: You can toggle MOTD and Teleport on join in the configuration file :)
This plugin is advanced Spawn plugin, and it has many features to offer, it doesn't just do the simple /spawn command, it has a lot of other features too! Try it yourself, I hope you like it! ezSpawn lets you set spawn, but also lets you configure messages that are sent in plugin. As always I'd appreciate much if you'd leave me ★★★★★ stars!
- Set a spawn to your server.
- Force player or all players to spawn.
- 90% configurable.
- Hoverable commands.
- Set config in game.
- MOTD on join (Can be disabled)
- Teleport to spawn upon join (Can be disabled)
- More coming soon!
/spawn - Teleport yourself to the spawn.
/spawn create - Set your server spawn.
/spawn reload - Reload configuration files.
/spawn about - Shows information about plugin.
/spawn config <prefix> <new prefix>
/spawn config <SpawnOnJoin> <true/false>
/spawn config <JoinMOTD> <true/false>
/spawn config <ForceSpawnMSG> <msg>
/spawn config <TeleportMSG> <msg>
/spawn config <NoPermission> <msg>
/forcespawn <player/all> - Force a player or all players to teleport!
Teleport to the spawn - ezspawn.spawn
Reload configuration files - ezspawn.reload
Create spawn location - ezspawn.setspawn
Force player(s) to spawn - ezspawn.forcespawn
Configure the plugin in game - ezspawn.config
(servers that are using this plugin)
Currently none, open a conversation with me if you want your server to be mentioned here.
Before rating this plugin:
Please do not give bad ratings just because plugin either does not work or you have a issue with it. If you have issues, then contact me! The best way you can support me as a Developer is those 5 stars which I do appreciate! Please leave a rating if you did like this! :)
If you have youtube channel and you're interested in making a tutorial of this plugin, just go for it, I'll give it a shout on here :)
This plugin is advanced Spawn plugin, and it has many features to offer, it doesn't just do the simple /spawn command, it has a lot of other features too! Try it yourself, I hope you like it! ezSpawn lets you set spawn, but also lets you configure messages that are sent in plugin. As always I'd appreciate much if you'd leave me ★★★★★ stars!
/spawn - Teleport yourself to the spawnpoint.
/spawn create - Set your server spawn.
/spawn reload - Reload configuration files.
/forcespawn <player/all> - Force a player or all players to teleport!
/spawn about - Shows information about plugin.
Teleport to the spawn - ezspawn.spawn
Reload configuration files - ezspawn.reload
Create spawn location - ezspawn.setspawn
Force player(s) to spawn - ezspawn.forcespawn
(servers that are using this plugin)
None :(
Before rating this plugin:
Please do not give bad ratings just because plugin either does not work or you have a issue with it. If you have issues, then contact me! The best way you can support me as a Developer is those 5 stars which I do appreciate! Please leave a rating if you did like this! :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 21, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Dec 30, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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