
This is a universal ScoreBoard plugin that is easy to use between Plugins. The only thing the server owner (plugin manager) needs to know is there is a config. The config only contains one thing, the displayname of the scoreboard. It is color compatible so no need to use any 'weird symbols'.

Disclaimer: The rest is for plugin developers Once you put this in your referenced library you can use the following code

  • ScoreBoard.put (Player player, String name, int score);
  • ScoreBoard.remove (Player player, String name);
  • ScoreBoard.update (Player player);

What they do:

  • ScoreBoard.put() function adds a another bar to the scoreboard with the score of what ever you put as the int
  • ScoreBoard.remove() function removes a certain bar on the scoreboard from the player
  • ScoreBoard.update() function updates a certain players scores (this is done automatically when you add or remove a score)

This is Vault for ScoreBoards, I know its not as fancy as vault but it doesn't give errors and it is pretty useful. It is all color compatible and if the number you put is not a number, it defaults to 0. If you put a scoreboard score with a name that is used, the old one will get replaced.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 17, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Sep 24, 2016
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