Copyright (c) blablubbabc <;
All rights reserved.

The accompanying software is provided under the terms of this license.

Grant of rights:
   1. You are permitted to install, run and publicly perform the software.

   2. Modifications:
      You are permitted to modify the software, run, publicly perform and share
      your modifications under the following terms:
        a) You must retain all copyright, author and attribution notices.
        b) You must prominently mention the original author(s), where users can
           find the original software and that you are running a modified
           version to all users interacting with the software directly or
           remotely over a computer network.
        c) Don't include any content of the original work in your distribution.
           Instead you can distribute patches and instructions on how to apply
           your modifications to the original work. Recipients of your
           modifications must be required to manually download the original
           work from an official source in order to be able to apply your
        d) You cannot sell or charge a fee for sharing your modifications or
           tools required to apply them.
        e) By sharing your modifications you automatically agree to grant the
           author(s) and recipients of the original software a perpetual,
           worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
           copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of,
           publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense and distribute your
           modifications and such derivative works.

   3. Derivative ('related') works:
      You are permitted to create, run, publicly perform and share software,
      services or content which adds or modifies functionality or content
      related to the software under the following terms:
        a) Don't include any content of the original work in your related work.
        b) You must prominently mention where users of your derivative work can
           find the original software.
        c) You must make sure that your derivative work keeps all
           functionality, content and output of the original software intact,
           which involves notices about the copyright, the author(s) and the
           source of the original software.
        d) You must prominently mention that recipients and users of your
           derivative work cannot use your derivative work for commercial
           purposes, except in the scope allowed by this license (section 4).

   4. Non-Commercial:
      You may not use the software, any derivative works, or unrelated works,
      services or content in a way related to the software for commercial
      purposes, with the following exceptions:
        a) Commercial use based on advertising is allowed.
        b) To the extent permitted by the other terms of this license, you are
           allowed to sell derivative ('related') works which you have created.
      You are not allowed to sell users of the software access to any 'in-game'
      content, features, abilities or services related to the software, even
      if that content or services were created by yourself.

   5. No redistributions:
      You may not redistribute any copy or parts of the software you received.

   6. Non-Assignable & Non-Transferable:
      You may not assign or transfer your rights and duties under this license.

      The software is provided 'AS-IS', and any express or implied warranties,
      as well as any express or implied fitness for a particular purpose, are
      disclaimed. In no event shall the author(s) or contributors be liable for
      any direct, indirect or consequential damages or expenses arising in any
      way out of the use of the software.

      You may not use the software except as expressly provided under the terms
      and conditions of this license. Any attempt to otherwise use the
      software, or taking action which could cause the licensor to not be able
      to enforce his rights under this license will automatically terminate
      your rights under this license.
      The licensor reserves the right to revoke or change this license at any
      time without notice. For that reason this license expires 30 days after
      it came into effect. Any continued use of the software beyond that is
      governed by the new license terms.

      You do not have to accept this license in order to receive or run a copy
      of the software. However, only this license grants you the permission to
      use the software in the scope defined by this license. So by using the
      software you indicate your acceptance of this license, because otherwise
      doing so (without accepting this license) would infringe copyright.