BANANACODE PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1, July 2011 Copyright (C) 2011 Ben L. <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. BANANACODE PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. Any binary distribution of this software or software derived from this software must be accompanied by source code. For example, this can be a link to a GIT repository, the inclusion of source code in the JAR, or a "source code" link on the same page as a "download" link. 1. This license may not be removed from projects directly or indirectly derived from a project containing this license, unless it is replaced by the original author of the software with a newer version of the BANANACODE PUBLIC LICENSE. 2. All JavaDoc @author tags must be retained when java code is copied from a file containing such tags. You may add your name in an additional @author tag, but not change the contents of existing @author tags. 3. Releasing this software and claiming you are the original author is a violation of this license. Any such violations will be dealt with by one or more of the following: Murder, pulling your toenails out in slow motion, politely asking you to stop, stealing your first born, and/or legal action.