Hey ladies and gents! You may notice a few new things here and there around the old BukkitDev page. We've launched the new and improved site to further integrate and match the rest of our sites. Bringing with it a multitude of improvements in speed, efficiency, and usability.
Whether you're just looking for that right plugin, or you're looking to start your own project, the process has been much improved all around.
Of course, for plugin creators, we know that this is a huge change, and our support staff is working right now to make sure that our knowledge base articles get updated as quickly as possible to provide all of the information needed to make the transition as easy as possible. At the moment, you can take a look at our "Creating Your First Project" article here.
As we adjust and get everything in the right place over the next few days, you can expect longer wait periods on file approvals. We want to make sure we don't miss anything and that the process runs as smoothly as possible.
And as always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to myself @MrFlamegoat or @CurseForge on Twitter - you can also drop us a line at cfmoderation[at]curse.com and we'll make sure we do our best to help.
Your Friendly Community Helper,
I think there is also another problem...
All the photos have been moved to another webspace and have stopped working...
The profil pictures are gone and flicker like hell every time I scroll or open a page...
And also many users don't get what's going on and flame the authors...
BukkitDev has always been Curse's project. There are improvements to be made still, but getting off the old platform really needed to be done as quickly as possible. Insulting the Curse staff isn't helpful.
First of all I want to congratulate on the new look of the site, it looks great.
Regarding how the new way plugins are listed, by popularity and not by last updated, is very annoying (we all know WorldEdit, Essentials, Pex etc etc are the top plugins).
I would suggest to add an option in the profile settings to choose what members want to start off with. New members will still see the popular plugins at start but after they get used to working with the site they can change to their liking, us old members can set it then back to the last updated as we already know what's basically is there.
Although having sorting preferences would be an upgrade, having it default to popularity will kill off all new plugins. What server owner will want to go out of their way to search for new plugins that they never heard of and that may not be interesting? When you are always defaulted to popularity, why go dumpster diving for new plugins?
I agree here actually, I think its better to have a dynamic changing list initially, with new plugins to the fore.
As lets be honest that most popular list will never change unless someone writes a good one that gets over 16m downloads so in effect its just a static advert for worldedit (which is epic but not the point)
The main thing I wanted to suggest was the option so we can change the default setting.
I totally agree that having it set to Popularity is 99% a waste, we need to know what's been updated or what new plugin has been added. Were not subscribed by default to all plugins so we don't get a notification of those new and/or the updated ones.
For those that are submitting a new plugin they would like to have their plugin on the top of the list, at least on the first page for a bit, this is the first adverting a new plugin needs to get started, not on page 1188 (current "dumpster diving" page) were no one is looking anymore.
As Hmmcrunchy already said it's a free advertising for plugins most of us already know (and use) anyway.
If there are new members looking at the plugins they will 9 out of 10 use a tutorial video "how to setup a server" (or similar media) which will tell them to get those plugins anyway to start off with.
Yet again we creating an other issue between Last Updated and Date Created 2 categories that should be merged or we still don't get the full picture of new and updated plugins.Both plugins are in the Last Update listPlease add sub forums for Crackshot back.
They will add back all of the forums back at once when they do, they won't do specific ones. I don't see that coming soon though, unfortunately.
Just here to note that the 'Localizations' are missing as well, and with that all the community made plugin translations. Is there an official 'issue tracker' for these sorts of things?
Can give me an example plugin that should show the localizations?
Advanced Achievements has about 8 localisations for instance. This was not a major feature, but it was convenient to be able to indicate which languages your plugin was translated in. ;)
https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/paintball_pure_war used localizations
These are fixed!
Awesome, thanks!
What happened to all of the sub-forums each plugin had? Many plugins like Crackshot and Skript had subforums full of community content for their respective plugins, and now they are gone!? please look into adding them back
YUSS!!! I need those Sub forums back! Worst update ever. There are alot of guns on the crackshot forums! I want em! Please add em back.
We are working on getting this information converted to the new forums software!
It's now been 4 days, and in this time there has been 0 information on what part of all this mess you lot are working on + any form for eta.
If you indeed are trying to communicate with 'us' you might want to start there.
The more I read around, the more I can see is not working. So wondering why there was not done some testing of things before making such a big move over?
Down the road this might have been a 'cool' update (I can agree that was much needed) but the handling of things is just stuck, to put it nicely.
Just tested the new message system and it sadly don't give me a sent mailbox, why?
It makes no sense why my sent messages is under my messages in the inbox as it's myself who sent it.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll put a ticket in to get the inboxes fixed!