Exciting announcements for both Minecraft and Skyrim!

We have two exciting pieces of news for the Bukkit community today!

First and foremost, we'd like to officially announce that we're extending our Author Rewards Program for BukkitDev. What does this mean for you? That means you will soon be able to start earning points for the mods you upload that allow you to earn things like cash and cool swag! We'll give you more details as they come, and let you know when this program is live for Minecraft.

Our second announcement is regarding Skyrim: Curse.com is giving way $15,000 dollars to modders! The first 35 uploaded Skyrim mods that meet our approval guidelines in each of the four main categories, will earn some phat loot to line the pockets of their authors! Mods must be uploaded to skyrimforge.com by December 15th, and meet all criteria established by Curse moderators. You can find more information here.



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