We have been working for a long time to create an improved experience for CurseForge, and the time has come to showcase the fruition of our labor in the form of a beta version of our Minecraft site: http://minecraft-beta.curseforge.com.
Please, try to break as much as you can and give feedback on what you like and dislike so we have data to work with during our continued development. Keep in mind that several core functionalities are not yet implemented such as the issue tracker and repository support.
Projects created on the beta site will not synchronize to either Curse.com or to the Curse Client, and at the end of the beta run all projects will be deleted - this is strictly for testing and feedback purposes.
We hope you enjoy the new look and feel, and we're looking forward to your feedback!
While it'd be nice to see changes every day, it's probably not feasible - especially with it being just after the holidays. That said, it'd be great to see frequent posts (I think GitHub have this nailed) - even for small changes.
Over the last few weeks I have seen no change in the site, its functionality or its design. My complaints still stand and I think @Portablejim brings up a very good point about targeting versions of minecraft.
Rushing too fast to the beta site (i.e. not reading past the first paragraph) I was shocked to discover the lack of a wiki or issue tracker (hoping to plead that it not be final). However, it is good that you plan to include them.
Quickly adding a mod I like the new UI with the buttons up the top that allows uploading of files easily. What I don't like is the inability to choose multiple versions to target (because of the beauty of Minecraft Forge I have a mod which targets multiple versions (i.e. one file that can be installed on Minecraft 1.5.x and another which can be installed on 1.6.x)
A bell would work fine
I do agree on the notifications icon stuff. Maybe a bell could work?
I like the homepage a lot though i wouldn't mind seeing an addition of newest additions similar to the popular module.
On first glimpse I did not know what the star ment in the top right till i clicked on it. Honestly when I see a star I think favorite not notification maybe a ! instead?
Instead of clicking on Projects and being taken to a page with mods, textures and worlds I would rather see the Projects button in the nav be replaced with Mods, Textures and Worlds buttons making for a more direct route.
When you enter the Mods, Textures or Worlds section there should still be a button to allow you to create a project. I would also like to see the content area defined a little more. maybe put a border around it and slightly change the color of the background? also the category images are to blury need a better one and replace the creatures and mobs image with a actuall spawn egg maybe use a villager spawn egg. There are several mods completely based around adding more food to the game so why not add a food category and use either the apple for that category and change General to something else. In fact the more i look over it I think the categories should really be redone. Some important categories i think should be there would be Mystical (for mods that include magic like thaumcraft), Automation (A bit more involved then mechanical for things like IC2, Buildcraft, ect.) and Fan Works (for mods like Pixelmon)
Also what if you guys added a section to include Modpacks? Give the option to show the technic api link to use technic or just have a download. I think it would be a cool little feature to add that would add more to the site.
Sorry for the long reply and thank you for reading my suggestions!
Nice constructive feedback you got there :)
I dont like it.
Very nice :)
Looks good :)