

This plugin uses a sophisticated mathematical algorithm to diagnose x-raying players on your server based on their trajectory when they are mining around diamonds. Based on the principles of vector calculus and physics, we present an anti-x-ray system that even Newton couldn't turn down! Check out the video below to see how to use it!


But How Does it Work???

To learn more about the math behind this plugin, check out this slide show.

Command Documentation

/xray [-as] scan [null]Returns a sorted list of the most likely cheaters on your server. By default, this command will compare all players against trusted miners, but a custom numerical null hypothesis (e.g. 0.006) can be specified if there is no trusted mining data.
/xray [-as] stats <player>Shows summary of mining statistics for a player. A high mean power value is indicative of cheating.
/xray [-as] test <player> [null]Performs a test for x-raying on the specified player. By default, this command will compare all players against trusted miners, but a custom null hypothesis (either numerical or a player name) can be specified if there is no trusted mining data.
/xray [-r] trust [player]Adds a player to the list of trusted miners. Typing /xray trust on its own will display the current list of trusted miners. The -r flag can be used to revoke trusted mining status from a player.

The -a flag can be used to specify a test of only archived data (i.e. data that saved in the log files but not from the current session), and the -s flag can be used to specify a test of only session data.


This plugin supports the following PermissionsEx nodes:

xray.statsAllows player to view player data and use scans and tests
xray.trustAllows player to view and edit trusted miners list
xray.hackStops the plugin from taking automatic action against a player who is allowed to hack (UNIMPLEMENTED)


The config.yml file lets you change what types of ore are kept track of by the plugin. To add a new type of ore, add it to the "sources" list. The default sources list reads as follows:

    flux: 1
    ceiling: 16

As the config above shows, the only ore tracked by default is diamond. The "flux" associated with diamond ore is the attractive strength of the force field that the plugin simulates around diamond blocks. Generally, ores that are more likely to be xrayed (i.e. more valuable) should have higher fluxes than less valuable ones. For example, you might give diamond a flux of 6 and iron a flux of 1. The "ceiling" attribute refers to the maximum height at which the plugin will track a certain block type. The maximum spawn height of diamonds is 15, so the ceiling for diamonds is 16.


Using the /reload command has been known to cause issues with some versions of XRayField. If you are getting console error messages after using /reload, try restarting the server and they should go away. If you are resetting a map, consider removing all CSV files from the /plugins/XRayField/logs folder. If you see "null" listed on your trusted players list after resetting a map, go into your config.yml and manually delete player UUIDs.

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