
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

If you are using the 3.4 beta build for 1.5.1 the plugin will say that there is a new version available - This is because you are currently not using the recommended version of WorldWarp.
WorldWarp is a basic, Yet effective way of managing your worlds. The plugin lets you Create, Import, Delete, List & Warp to different worlds just by typing some easy commands. WorldWarp features a powerful world creating system which lets you choose between Normal, Nether & The End - And lets you specify the seed you want to use.


CommandPermissionDefaults toDescription
/wwarp [Name]WorldWarp.wwarpAllWarps to desired world.
/wbackWorldWarp.wbackAllReturns to previous world.
/wlistWorldWarp.wlistAllLists active worlds.
/wcreate [Name] [Environment] <seed> -flagsWorldWarp.wcreateOPCreates world.
/wimport [Name]WorldWarp.wimportOPImports currently non-active worlds.
/wdelete [Name] -flags WorldWarp.wdeleteOPDeletes desired world, adding -h deletes world folder.
/wflag [Name] -flags WorldWarp.wflagOPFlags world, see below.

Command Flags

FlagEffectWorks with
-pvpSets world to PVP Enabled/wflag /wcreate
-nopvpSets world to PVP Disabled/wflag /wcreate
-peacefulSets world to peaceful/wflag /wcreate
-easySets world to easy/wflag /wcreate
-normalSets world to normal/wflag /wcreate
-hardSets world to hard/wflag /wcreate
-hDelets world folder/wdelete


Permissionssettings.permissions.useTRUEEnables/Disables permissions.


NormalNormal worldNORMAL
NetherThe NetherNETHER
The EndThe endTHE_END
Flatlands16 Block high FlatlandsFLATLANDS
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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 1, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Oct 8, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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