
UserStatus is a server-mod that enables anyone (or anyone specified with the proper permissions) to see the following:

  • IP^
  • Game Mode^
  • World^
  • Position^
  • OP
  • Whitelist
  • Has the player ever visited the server.

Properties marked with ^ are only visible when the user is online.


  • /userstatus [username]

Permission Nodes:

  • userstatus.use - Allows the use of /userstatus. Without this permission node, you won't be able to use UserStatus.
  • userstatus.see.IP - Allows the given user to see a peers IP address.
  • userstatus.see.GameMode - Allows the given user to see a peers current gamemode.
  • userstatus.see.World - Allows the given user to see a peers current world.
  • userstatus.see.Position - Allows the given user to see a peers position.
  • userstatus.see.OP - Allows the given user to see if a peer is an operator or not.
  • userstatus.see.Whitelist - Allows the given user to see if a peer is on the whitelist.
  • userstatus.see.PlayedBefore - Allows the given user to see if a peer has played on this server or not.

If you are an operator of the server, you will be granted every permission listed here.

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