UltraHardcore utilities

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This is a fairly simple to use UHC plugin, designed to make setup as easy as possible. I got the idea after hearing Guude complain about how difficult it was to set up the Mindcrack UHC games. If you have an questions/bugs/requests don't hesitate to submit a ticket!


/setSize <size> – sets the size of the world. Note: /setSize 500 will make the area 500x500, centered around the midpoint. (Defaults to 2000x2000)
/setMidpoint <midX> <midZ> – sets the midpoint of the map. (Defaults to 0,0)
/preloadChunks – preloads all chunks that could possibly be loaded during play. This will take a long time, but should reduce lag when playing.
/genWalls – creates bedrock walls from void to build height around the area.
/assignTeams [playersPerTeam] – assigns everyone online to a team. (Defaults to 2 players per team)
/scatter <spreadDistance> <respectTeams (true | false)> – spreads all players randomly throughout the play area. Simpler version of /spreadPlayers
/startGame [episodeMarks (true | false)] [countdown in seconds] – starts the game with the specified countdown in seconds. (Defaults to 5 seconds) If [episodeMarks] is true, displays a message every 20 minutes
/stopGame – stops the game
/progress – displays what episode you're in, as well as the time until the next mark
/test – command for me to test things, will be removed


UHC.* – gives access to all permissions – defaults to ops
UHC.test – gives access to the /test command – will be removed – defaults to ops
UHC.time.* – gives access to UHC.time.start and UHC.time.stop
UHC.time.start – gives access to the /startGame command – defaults to ops
UHC.time.stop – gives access to the /stopGame command – defaults to ops
UHC.param.* – gives access to UHC.param.mapSize and UHC.param.midpoint
UHC.param.mapSize – gives access to the /mapSize command – defaults to ops
UHC.param.midpoint – gives access to the /setMidpoint command – defaults to ops
UHC.game.* – gives access to all UHC.game permissions
UHC.game.progress – gives access to the /progress command – defaults to all players
UHC.game.teams – gives access to the /assignTeams command – defaults to ops
UHC.game.scatter – gives access to the /scatter command – defaults to ops
UHC.game.genWalls – gives access to the /genWalls command – defaults to ops
UHC.game.preload – gives access to the /preloadChunks command – defaults to ops


Game.TeamColorOrder – the order teams will be created and assigned players to
Game.Settings.AllowRegenPotions – if false Ghasts will drop gold ingots instead of ghost tears
Game.Settings.AutoUpdate – if true new updates will be automatically downloaded


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