Turnstile Commands

[] indicates a required field. () indicates an optional field.
If Name is not specified, then the Turnstile that is linked to the target Block will be affected

In-Game Help:

  • /ts help - Displays the Turnstile Main Help Page
  • /ts help create - Displays the Turnstile Create Help Page
  • /ts help setup - Displays the Turnstile Setup Help Page
  • /ts help button - Displays the Turnstile Sign Help Page

Creating a Warp:

  • /ts make [Name] - Creates a Turnstile with the target Block as the gate
  • /ts rename (Name) [NewName] - Renames the specified Turnstile
  • /ts link [Name] - Links the target Button/Pressure Plate/Chest with the specified Turnstile
  • /ts link [Name] [NPC-UID] - Links the NPC with the specified Turnstile
  • /ts unlink - Unlinks the target Block from it's Turnstile
  • /ts delete (Name) - Deletes the specified Turnstile and all data associated with it

Setting up a Warp:

  • /ts price (Name) [Price] - Sets the cost of using the specified Turnstile to the given amount of money
  • /ts price - Sets the cost of using the Turnstile to the items within the target Chest
  • /ts price (Name) [Amount] (Durability) - Sets the cost of using the specified Turnstile to an Item with the given data
  • /ts price (Name) [Amount] [Enchantment] - Sets the cost of using the specified Turnstile to an Item with the given data and Enchantment
  • /ts price (Name) [Amount] [Enchantment1&Enchantment2&Enchantment3...] - Sets the cost of using the specified Turnstile to an Item with the given data and Enchantments
  • /ts nofraud (Name) true - Sets the Turnstile to not charge until the Player walks through it
  • /ts nofraud (Name) false - Sets the Turnstile to charge as soon as the Turnstile is opened
  • /ts access (Name) public - Allows anyone will be able to use the specified Turnstile
  • /ts access (Name) private - Allows only the Owner will be able to use the specified Turnstile
  • /ts access (Name) [Group] - Allows only the specified Group will be able to use the Turnstile
  • /ts access (Name) [Group1,Group2,Group3...] - Allows any of the specified Groups will be able to use the Turnstile
  • /ts free (Name) [StartTick]-[EndTick] - Sets the specified Turnstile as free during the given time frame
  • /ts locked (Name) [StartTick]-[EndTick] - Sets the specified Turnstile as locked during the given time frame
  • /ts collect - Retrieves the Items from a Turnstile Chest
  • /ts owner (Name) [Player] - Sets the Owner of the specified Turnstile (where collected money is sent) to the given Player
  • /ts bank (Name) [Bank] - Sets the Owner of the specified Turnstile (where collected money is sent) to the given Bank Account (The Owners of the Bank Account will then be able to modify the Turnstile)

Other Commands:

  • /ts list - Lists all Turnstiles
  • /ts info (Name) - Displays information about the specified Turnstile
  • /ts rl - Reloads the Turnstile Plugin