
TNTSweeper Logo

TNTSweeper makes it possible to play Minesweeper in Minecraft! Break the grass blocks to reveal a colored wool block or TNT. The color of the wool blocks represent the number of TNT blocks adjacent to it. It plays just like normal minesweeper.


  • Create Easy, Medium, Hard or Custom game boards
  • Break blocks to reveal colored wool or TNT
  • Right click blocks to add or remove a flag
  • Automatically reveal adjacent blocks
  • Prizes calculated using amount of non-TNT blocks in a game multiplied by the board's PuzzleMultiplier in config.yml



  2. (If upgrading) Delete old TNTSweeper folder and TNTSweeper.jar from plugins directory
  3. Download and place BoardGamesAPI.jar in plugins directory
    • OPTIONAL: Vault required for prizes
  4. Download and place TNTSweeper.jar in plugins directory
  5. Start Server
  6. Create a board (see below)

Create a board

  • Use /tntsweeper setboard [boardtype] [boardname] to generate a board. (generates to the south-east of where you/re standing)
    • [boardtype] - easy , medium or hard
    • [boardname] - a unique name for the board
  • Example: /tntsweeper setboard easy easyboard

Create a Custom Board

  • Use /tntsweeper setboard custom [boardname] [x] [y] [p]
    • [boardname] - a unique name for the board
    • [x] - number of blocks for one side of the board
    • [y] - number of blocks for another side of the board
    • [p] - used when generating the probability of TNT (default is 0.15)
  • Example: /tntsweeper setboard custom BigBoard 50 75 0.15


  • Use /tntsweeper list to list all available boards
  • Use /tntsweeper play [boardname] to start playing on a board
  • Use /tntsweeper legend to see how many mines are surrounding each wool color
  • Break grass blocks to reveal colored wool or TNT
  • Right click a block to add or remove a flag
  • You win the game when all blocks have been cleared.

Number of TNT blocks adjacent to colored wool

Commands & Permissions

  • /tntsweeper, /ts, /tsweep - shows list of commands
  • /<command> help - shows list of commands
  • /<command> play [boardname] - play a game (op or tntsweeper.player)
  • /<command> quit - quit a game, queue or spectate
  • /<command> setboard [boardtype] [boardname] - generates an empty board (op or tntsweeper.admin)

All commands here

Configure (config.yml)

Configuration Here

Other Plugins

MineJong | WoolDoku | MasterMined | BeWooled | TicBlockToe | BattleSheep

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