

Notice! I am currently very busy with both work and school. Please refrain from feature requests and only post bug reports, as I am unable to do extra work at this time.

TeleportSuite is a simple teleportation plugin which allows players to request teleports to each other with the commands /tpa and /tpahere, and accept or reject those requests with /tpaccept or /tpreject. It offers the admin type commands /tp and /tphere to teleport immediately, without a request (assuming the user is toggled to receive requests), and /tpo and /tpohere to override any user settings and teleport immediately.

By krinsdeath

Useful Stuff

  1. Source Code - Jenkins 1.1. Use of the plugin builds from Jenkins is unofficial, unsupported and unapproved by BukkitDev Staff!
  2. Default 'config.yml' file
  3. Default 'english.yml' localization file
  4. Full Command List


  • Very easy and very powerful commands, reminiscent of all of your favorites.
  • Accept and reject all requests easily with /tpaccept -all or /tpreject -all. Use /tptoggle to immediately reject all requests.
  • New! /tpm and /tpmhere for moderators: send a request from one player to another, without giving your players access to /tpa or /tpahere.
  • /tpcoords will display your current location and your currently faced direction.
  • Superperms support to give users any number of commands, to your taste
  • Fully customizable messages for every command, including the ability to remove them altogether.
  • Additional localizations are possible. Simply copy your english.yml into another file, save it as whatever.yml, and then add the language to the available list in TeleportSuite. If your system is UTF-8 capable, you can even use foreign language characters by specifying -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 in your command line. If you've written a language file and want it included in TeleportSuite, email me or private message me.


  • Permission Node - Description. (default value)
  • teleport.* - Balloon permission to activate all others. (no default)
    • teleport.tpa - Allows this user to use /tpa, to request a teleport to a user, unless their toggle status is true. (true)
    • teleport.tpahere - Allows this user to use /tpahere, to request that a user teleport to them, unless their toggle status is true. (true)
    • - Allows this user to use /tp, to telepor to a user immediately, unless their toggle status is set to true. (op)
    • teleport.tphere - Allows this user to use /tphere, to teleport a user without confirmation, unless their toggle status is set to true. (op)
    • teleport.tpm - Allows a user to request a /tpa on behalf of another player. (op) (bypasses teleport.tpa permission)
    • teleport.tpmhere - Allows a user to request a /tpahere on behalf of another player. (op) (bypasses teleport.tpahere permission)
    • teleport.tpo - Allows this user to use /tpo, to teleport to a user immediately. (false)
    • teleport.tpohere - Allows this user to use /tpohere, to teleport a user to their location immediately. (false)
    • teleport.location - Allows this user to use /tploc to teleport to a location. (op)
    • - Allows this user to teleport to a world's spawn point. (op)
      •* - Allows this user to teleport into all worlds. (true)
      • - Allows this user to teleport into the world specified.
    • teleport.back - Allows this user to use /tpback or /back, to teleport to their last known location. (true)
    • teleport.coords - Allows this user to display their current location with /tpcoords or /coords. (true)
    • teleport.accept, teleport.reject, teleport.toggle - Allows this user to accept, reject, or toggle whether or not they want to be notified of requests when they receive them (if a user toggles their status, they will automatically reject any requests they receive). (true)
    • teleport.requests - Allows this user to display their open requests, or any requests they've made, with /tprequests (true)
    • teleport.cancel - Allows this user to cancel their active request (if they have one), with /tpcancel (true)
    • teleport.silent - Allows the user to toggle their stealth setting with /silent; silences any /tpo or /tpohere command used by the sender
    • teleport.language - Allows a user to choose a language from the available languages list with /tplang.

Convenience Permissions

  • teleport.users
    • teleport.tpa, teleport.tpahere, teleport.accept, teleport.reject, teleport.toggle, teleport.requests, teleport.cancel,,*, teleport.back, teleport.coords
  • teleport.mods
    • teleport.users,, teleport.tphere,, teleport.location, teleport.vanilla
  • teleport.admins
    • teleport.mods, teleport.tpo, teleport.tpohere, teleport.silent, teleport.rewind


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 13, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Feb 10, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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