Survival Command Block


Now, with this plugin, you can set, get, remove command in commands blocks in survival, you can break commands block too.
You don't need any permissions to use the plugin.
You can't put op, gm, i, give and gamemode commands in commands blocks.
This plugin is really simple to use.

Usage [EN]:

To use these commands, you need to target a command block.
You don't need any permissions to use these commands.
- /setcmd <command> : Set a command block's command.
- /whatcmd : Get command block's command.
- /removecmd : Remove command block's command.
- /aboutscb : Show some informations about SCB.

The craft for commands blocks:


Utilisation [FR]:

Pour utiliser ces commandes, vous devez viser un command block.
Vous n'avez pas besoins d'aucune permissions pour utiliser ces commandes.
- /mettrecmd <commande> : Mettre une comamnde dans un command block.
- /quellecmd : Récupérer une comamnde dans un command block.
- /retirercmd : Retirer une comamnde dans un command block.
- /aproposscb : Montre des informations sur SCB.

Craft du command block:


Tutorial video:

Video removed, re-upload coming soon.

Coming soon:

- The impossibilty to put some admins commands (Like /nick).
- Your own options for permissions.


No any bugs is know, if you found a bug, send me a PM.

Thanks to SMDev for Testing and Translating !
If you have a suggestion for the plugin, send me a PM.
If you want to help to program the plugin, send me a PM.
Sorry for my bad english, i'm french.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Nov 3, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License

