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Welcome to the Statistics wiki. The links above will direct you to the corresponding articles; if something is not clear, feel free to ask questions in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The plugin cannot connect to the database, even though I have filled out all the appropriate details!
A: Make sure that the database is capable of accepting incoming (remote) connections, and the user has all the appropriate permissions. Additionally, ensure that the configuration syntax is correct.

Q: The portal takes ages to load one page. Over 20 secs! Even I got only 10 players tracked.
A: Make sure you set the caching time for the player skins to an high value. This will speed up the page load!

Q: I want to update from last recommended build to the newest approved version.
A: Download the newest version, delete the installation folder and the install.php file and override all other files.

Q: The portal shows only the standard faces instead of the player skins.
A: Make sure the cache/skins folder is writable by the portal and check if allow_url_fopen is enabled.

Q: How to set up mutli portal?
A: First of all you need seperate database for each server/plugin. Or at least use different prefixes for each server you wanna track. If this is done and the database are initialized you have to install ONE portal like you would do it with only one server. After that go to the settings menu of the portal at go to the "Multi Portal" Section. Here you can enter informations for the other servers/databases. If there are some entries you will notice a new box on the portal main page.

... to be continued