

Download v0.6.0


SkyBukkit seamlessly brings SkyBlock to Bukkit servers. It allows players to easily and effectively play SkyBlock alone or with their friends on any Bukkit server, even when a survival world already exists.

For example, on a standard Bukkit server, a player might decide that he has had enough survival gameplay for the day. By simply typing “/island home” the player can teleport to his completely-separate SkyBlock and get to work there. Furthermore, the player would automatically have his inventory, armor, xp, hunger, health, saturation and exhaustion switched, just like he had logged onto another, SkyBlock-dedicated, server.

This same player could then just use “/island spawn” to jump right back into his normal survival environment, while all of his items, etc. are switched back.

While plugins like this do already exist, they all have far fewer features and those projects are outdated with their authors vanished off of the face of the earth. This project attempts to remedy the problem, while offering a server experience like no other.

This plugin has been re-written completely from scratch to achieve maximum performance and compatibility on Bukkit servers.


SkyBukkit Release v0.6.0

Release v0.6.0 contains a number of accessibility fixes.

SkyBukkit Release v0.5.14

Release v0.5.14 removes some super-hacky CB-dependant code, amoung other things.

SkyBukkit Release v0.5.13

Release v0.5.13 contains serveral technical fixes as well as some anti-cheat item duplicaiton protection.



SkyBukkit depends on WorldGuard for it's island protection ability. Please ensure you have it (and WorldEdit, which WorldGuard depends on) installed.

You are also probably going to want to install a plugin like MultiVerse, which will allow you to create a separate world for SkyBlock instances.

PLEASE NOTE: It is highly inadvisable to make your SkyBukkit world an existing survival world. If you do, it will create a host of problems, for example:

  • When a player creates a SkyBlock, a giant area of land will become un-editable by other players, as it infringes on their protected SkyBlock land area.
  • When a player deletes a SkyBlock, a giant area of land from sky to bedrock will be deleted, creating a massive void pit.

Instead, a separate world should be created (using a plugin similar to MultiVerse) which is using the cleanroom world generator.


Simply place the plugin in the standard Bukkit plugin directory and it will automatically generate its configuration the next time the server is run. The default configuration is fine for normal use, but feel free to tweak it for a unique server experience (all available options are available below).

Players simply use “/island create” to create their own SkyBlock instance. They are automatically teleported to their new island and their inventory is switched for them. To delete or replace the SkyBlock they use “/island destroy” or "/island replace" respectively.

Say a player wanted to invite his friend over to his SkyBlock so they could play together. Said player would use a party. Just by typing “/island invite <friend>” they can create a new party and invite the friend to join. The friend would accept or decline the invitation be using “/island accept” or “/island decline”, respectively. The friend could leave at any time with “/island leave”.

That is just a snapshot of all available commands. They, with their accompanying descriptions and permission nodes, can be found further down.


Please Note: All of the below configuration options are compulsory. If any are omitted, they will be re-generated next time the server starts.

center: x:0X co-ordinate of where the center island should be placed.
center: z:0Z co-ordinate of where the center island should be placed.
pvpEnabled:falseWhether or not PVP is allows on islands.
switchInventories:trueWhether or not SkyBukkit will auto-switch inventories.
world:worldName of the world where the islands should be stored.
partyMaxSize:0The maximum number of players allowed in a single party if INF (0)
islandHeight:128Y co-ordinate of where newly-generated islands should be placed.
islandSpacing:120Distance between generated islands.
islandSize:100Size of the protection “bubble” between SkyBlocks.
items:(LIST)List of all items in the SkyBlock chest.
items: id:(INTEGER)ID of an item in the chest.
items: dmg:(INTEGER)Damage value of an item in the chest.
items: qty:(INTEGER)Quantity of an item in the chest.

A sample configuration file containing the default values can be found below:

  x: 0
  z: 0
pvpEnabled: false
switchInventories: true
world: world
partyMaxSize: 0
islandHeight: 160
islandSpacing: 120
islandSize: 100
- id: 287
  dmg: 0
  qty: 12
- id: 327
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 352
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 338
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 40
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 79
  dmg: 0
  qty: 2
- id: 361
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 39
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 360
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 81
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1
- id: 323
  dmg: 0
  qty: 1


Please Note: Wildcard *s are valid in permission nodes. Commands may also be prefixed with the alias /is instead of /island.

/island createskybukkit.island.createCreate a new SkyBlock.
/island destroyskybukkit.island.destroyDestroy your current SkyBlock.
/island replaceskybukkit.island.replaceReplace your current SkyBlock.
/island to your SkyBlock, and save your inventory.
/island to the main world, restoring your inventory.
/island invite <player> <player> to your SkyBlock, creating a party.
/island kick <player> <player> from your party.
/island promote <player> <player> the party leader.
/island a pending invitation.
/island a pending inviation.
/island your current party.
/island your party leader.
/island your party's members.
/island admin destroy <player>skybukkit.admin.destroyDestroy <player>'s SkyBlock.
/island admin tp <player>skybukkit.admin.tpTeleport to <player>'s SkyBlock.
/island helpN/ADisplay this help message.


The latest plugin build can be downloaded here.

Latest Changes


Bug Fixes

  • Enabled maven resource filtering for plugin.yml
  • Removed super hacky cb refs
  • Changed pom
  • Fixed maven dependancies
  • Fixed a fatal island creation bug
  • Fixed an entity removal bug
  • Fixed an island protection bug
  • Fixed an island respawning bug
  • Fixed another island respawning bug
  • Fixed a island creation tick lag bug
  • Fixed teleportation and other random bugs
  • Fixed protection regions not being removed
  • Save WG Regions
  • Fixed syntax errors
  • Fixed potential CCE
  • Made config error messages more user-friendly
  • Spelling error correction
  • Fixed Deserialization NPE
  • Fixed Island Un-Protection Exceptions
  • Made party max sizes work
  • Fixed another NPE
  • Fix docs
  • Fixed party commands
  • Fixed NPE
  • Fixed spelling
  • Properly color player names

Planned Features


SkyBukkit is in a preliminary phase, so please feel free to file a ticket for any feature requests you may have.

How Can I Help?

The plugin is developed solely by me in my free time so:

  • If you are a developer would like to contribute to this project, or any of my other projects, please PM me or email me at [email protected].
  • If you are a not developer but would still like to contribute somehow, please consider donating. Donations are highly valued and much appreciated.


Developer: Keeley Hoek (escortkeel)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 11, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 9, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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