
SimpleAFK - A simple to use AFK system with advanced features

Version: v0.9.1
Tested against CraftBukkit Release Build: 1.1-R4

SimpleAFK is a very basic AFK system, though higly configurable and with some nice features. Initially I created this Plugin for my own Server but when it got more features and I saw no other Plugin offering a similar feature set I'd though I'd also release it here.

Optional additional Plugins:

  • Any plugin that utilizes the Display Name (to make the Display Name change take any effect). For example (and tested with):
    - iChat
    - motd v1.0
  • WorldGuard for having different Auto AFK times for protected and unprotected regions


  • Set yourself as AFK
  • Check if other Players are AFK
  • List all Players which are currently AFK
  • AFK-Booter (kick AFK players after a specified time)
  • Right-Click a player to check if he is currently AFK
  • Automatically set Players as beeing AFK when they Idle for a certain (configurable) amount of time (Different AFK times for protected and unprotected regions using WorldGuard)
  • Change players Display Name when beeing AFK (iChat or some similar Plugin needed)
  • Automatic AFK-Disable on player movement
  • Block pushing of Players which are currently AFK
  • Make a player automatically send a chat-message when going AFK
  • Make a player automatically send a chat-message when coming back from beeing AFK
  • Automatically broadcast a message when a Player goes AFK
  • Automatically broadcast a message when a Player is coming back from beeing AFK
  • Highly configurable through Config file:
    - Change any message displayed to or automatically sent by the users (Supporting Chat Colors and Multi-Line messages)
    - Enable or disable the automatic chat-messages
    - Enable or disable "Automatic AFK-Disable on player movement"
    - Enable or disable Display Name change and edit the pattern how to change the Name
    - Enable or disable "Automatic AFK on Idle" and set time used as treshhold as well as the default AFK Message to use for this feature

Plugin usage:

  • /afk [message]
    Set you as AFK ([message] parameter is optional, you can also be AFK without any message)
    Change your current AFK message
    Set you as back from beeing AFK (when [message] is empty and you are set AFK at the moment)

  • /isafk [name]
    Check if the player [name] is currently AFK
  • /afklist
    Lists all players which are currently AFK

Plugin setup:

Just copy the SimpleAFK.jar file into your Plugins folder. Upon first startup it will create a folder "SimpleAFK" containing the default config files (all messages in english) in which you can do all further configurations. The default config file is commented and should be pretty self-explanatory ;)

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 5, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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