Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions

/maintenance toggleToggles The Maintenance Modeservermmaintenance.toggle
/maintenance toggledelayToggles The Maintenance Mode With Delay!servermmaintenance.toggle
/maintenance add <PlayerName>Add a player to the exempt listservermmaintenance.player.add
/maintenance remove <PlayerName>Removes a player from the exempt listservermmaintenance.player.remove
/maintenance reloadReloads the configurationservermmaintenance.reload
/maintenance stopStops the server completelyservermmaintenance.stop
*No CommandCan Login while maintenance mode is onservermmaintenance.bypass
*No CommandRecieve a notification when an update is availabeservermmaintenance.update
*No CommandAll Permissionsservermmaintenance.*

Help page is available when no command is found.


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