S86 AutoSort

If you're like me, few things in Minecraft are as frustrating as messy chests, especially shared ones. Well those days are over!

S86 AutoSort is a simple plugin that does one thing: it sorts stuff. Automatically. But only if you want it to.

Setup is easy:

  1. Download the jar and put it in your plugins folder.
  2. Any given player can use the commands /sort chest or /sort inv to toggle sorting of chests or inventory.

How does it work?

The plugin detects when someone opens an inventory, like a chest or furnace. If that player has inventory sorting on, their entire inventory (minus armor and hotbar items) is automatically sorted. If they open a single or double chest and have chest sorting on, that chest is automatically sorted. Never be disorganized again!


Don't want certain people sorting chests? Set their permission s86autosort.enable to false and they'll never be able to sort again!

Usage Stats


I claim no responsibility for lost items due to using this plugin! Use at your own risk.

Note: This plugin uses MCStats to record usage anonymously. You may opt out of this by going into your server's plugins\PluginMetrics\config.yml file and setting opt-out to true. This will not impact the use of this plugin whatsoever.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 14, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 14, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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