

The plugin is created to bring a little romance to the Minecraft. It founded on "love"-abilities of mobs. Now similar actions was implemented for... players.

Romance begins when player "eats" a special item (by default it's a cocoa). When romance-mode (also called ready-to-love mode) is activated you will see heart effect around the player (don't forget to install PlayEffect plugin). If there are two player with active ready-to-love mode, player could right-click each other and fall into romantic love (in-love mode). If player spends sometimes together (one player must be close to another) there's a chance to happy-event, born a baby. A villager baby :)


Why I need this plugin?

  1. Fun, fun and fun again!
  2. New way to spawn villagers.
  3. Player could use love-mode for disable PVP for a short time.


  • /romance reload — reload plugin
  • /romance give [num:<Number>] [player:<TargetPlayer>] — give items to player (or target player)


  • romance.lover — ability to activate "ready-to-love" mode
  • romance.push-in-love — ability to feed another player with love item (love potion)
  • romance.father — ability to become... father
  • romance.command.reload — allows player to use /romance reload command
  • romance.command.give — allows player to use /romance give command
  • romance.command.give-to — allows player to give love item to another player. Example, /romance give num:5 player:fromgate


To configure Romance plugin you must edit config.yml file:

  language: english  # language 
  language-save: false # save language file (if you going to translate it manually)
  check-updates: true # Check updated version at BukkitDev
  item-activator: INK_SACK:3 # Love item. Names supported. You can use something like "&6Love potion:INC_SACK:3" to define cocoa with name "Love potion" as love-item.
  give-payment: 0.0 # Payment for /romance give command. 
    time: 30s         # Duration of ready-to-love mode  (supported format: HH:MM:SS, XXs, XXm, XXh, XXms)
    effects: # List of effects that will randomly played around the player during this mode
    - effect:heart num:5 offset:0.4 speed:0.3  
    - effect:heart num:3 offset:0.4 speed:0.2
    broadcast-inlove-message: true  # Inform everyone on server that someone fall in love :)
    minimal-distance: 4  # Distance to keep this mode. If player is move too far love-mode will be disabled.
    time: 30s         # Duration of in-love mode  (supported format: HH:MM:SS, XXs, XXm, XXh, XXms)
    effects: # List of effects that will randomly played around the player during this mode
    - effect:heart num:10 offset:0.7 speed:0.5
    - effect:heart num:15 offset:0.9 speed:0.6
    interact-sound:  # List of SOUND effects (effect name:volume:pitch) that will played randomly when one "lover" right-clicks another
    - ENDERMAN_IDLE:1:1.5
    - ENDERMAN_IDLE:1:0.5
    - CAT_MEOW:1:0.5
    - CAT_MEOW:1:1.5
    baby-born-sound: # List of SOUND effects (effect name:volume:pitch) that will played randomly when villager spawned
    - LEVEL_UP:1:2.5
    cooldown-time: 3m          # Duration of after-love mode  (supported format: HH:MM:SS, XXs, XXm, XXh, XXms)
    enable-on-player-join: true  # Enable after-love mode when player joined a server
  chance: 10   # Chance is bounded to player interacting event during the "in-love" mode.
  name-the-baby: true       # Set the name of baby
  name-mask: '%firstname% %lastname%' # Name mask. Supported placeholders: %firstname% %lastname% %father% %mother% %random%
  name-case-conversion: true # First letter in name will uppercased, other - lowercased
    last-name-suffix:  # Rule to generate the %lastname%. For example if player is fromgate, you can get: fromgatson, fromgats, fromkin, fromney, etc.
    - son
    - s
    - kin
    - kins
    - ney
    - 'off'
    - ov
    - shvily
    - enko
    - ovich
    fist-name-suffix:   # Rule to generate the %firstname%. For example if player is fromgate, you can get: from, fromy, fromgi, froma, fromge, fromgo, etc.
    - ''
    - ''
    - ''
    - y
    - i
    - a
    - o
    - e
    - ey
    - ow
    random-names: # List of names that will used in for %random% placeholder. You will get on of name listed here.
    - Bob
    - John
    - Obana
    - Gaylord
    - Helga
    - Mikola
pvp-protection:  # Enable PVP-protection if player is in in-love ro ready-to-love mode.
  protect-players-in-love: true
  protect-ready-to-love: true

Update checker

Romance includes a update checker that use your server internet connection. Update checker will every hour check the to find new released version of plugin and you can easy disable it: just set parameter "version-check" to "false" in config.yml.


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