Commands & Permissions

Region Commands:
These commands can only be run when standing inside your region(s)

  • /addmember <player> - Add player as a member to your region
  • /delmember <player> - Remove player from your region
  • /addowner <player> - Add player as an owner to your region
  • /delowner <player> - Remove player from your region
  • /fence - Spawn a fence/border around your region.
  • /greeting <message> - Remove player from your region
  • /farewell <message> - Remove player from your region
  • /delregion - Delete your region you are in.
  • /pp info - Print info of the regions you are standing in

/tpregion <set|regionNumber> [world] - Teleport to your region number if exists

Plugin Commands:
Usage: /pp|potionprotection <command>

  • /pp reload
  • /pp help
  • /pp pot

Usage: /pp|potionprotection admin <command>

  • /delregion <all|regionNumber> <player> <world> [-b] [-r] - Delete region(s)
    -b will replace the region(s) border as per config
    -r will regenerate the region(s) from seed
  • /regenregion <all|regionNumber> <player> <world> - Regenerate region(s) from seed
Normal Permissions:
- potionprotection.potion.potionID:
# Allow player to create regions using potionID

# Allow player to use the pp help command

- potionprotection.use.count:
# Allow player to use the pp count command

- potionprotection.admin.spawnpotion.potionID:
# Allow player to use the pp pot command

- potionprotection.use.addmember:
# Allow player to use the addmember command

- potionprotection.use.delmember:
# Allow player to use the delmember command

- potionprotection.use.addowner:
# Allow player to use the addowner command

- potionprotection.use.delowner:
# Allow player to use the delowner command

- potionprotection.use.greeting:
# Allow player to use the greeting command

- potionprotection.use.farewell:
# Allow player to use the farewell command

- potionprotection.use.fence:
# Allow player to use the fence command

- potionprotection.use.delregion:
# Allow player to use the delregion command

- potionprotection.use.tpregion:
# Allow player to use the tpregion command

# Allow player to use the pp info command
Admin Permissions:
- potionprotect.admin.commandName
# Allow player to use the pp admin command called commandName
- potionprotect.admin.reload
# Allow player to use the reload command


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