

Commands and permissions

Each command requires the "ports.[commandname]" permissions node. Everybody has "ports.list" by default, and ops have permission to use all of the following by default.

  • /port reload - reloads the config.yml file for this plugin.
  • /port create [name] - creates a port with the given name. Its activation region is determined by your current WorldEdit selection and its arrival location is determined by your current position.
  • /port delete [name] - deletes the port.
  • /port select [name] - sets your WorldEdit selection to the port's activation region.
  • /port arrive [name] - sets the arrival location of the port to your current location.
  • /port update [name] - sets the activation zone of the port to your current WorldEdit selection.
  • /port schedule [name] [schedule] - sets the schedule of the port. [schedule] should be a number greater than or equal to 0. The numbers correspond to Minecraft time - 1000 is one Minecraft hour, 24000 is one Minecraft day, 168000 is one Minecraft week and so on. Examples:
    • /port schedule [name] 0 - Makes the port depart instantly
    • /port schedule [name] 500 - Makes the port depart every half (Minecraft) hour
    • /port schedule [name] 168000 - Makes the port depart every (Minecraft) week
  • /port describe [name] [description] - sets the description of the port. The description is used in various places in this plugin - for example, the messages that appear while you are waiting for the port to depart.
  • /port destination [from] [to] - sets the destination of [from] to [to] without changing the destination of [to].
  • /port link [port1] [port2] - sets the destinations of [port1] and [port2] so that they point to each other.
  • /port list - lists all the ports
  • /port rename [old-name] [new-name] - renames a port.
  • /port permission [name] <permission> - sets the permission node required to use the port. Omit the <permission> parameter to remove the requirement and allow anyone to use the port.
  • /port ticket [name] item:data - sets the ticket required to use the port. Users will need to be holding the ticket in order to use the port, and the ticket will be taken from them when they step into the port. Omit the item:data parameter to remove the requirement and allow anyone to use the port without a ticket.


When you first run the plugin, a default config.yml file will be copied to the Ports directory in your plugins folder. The file contains the following configuration options:

  • port-tick-period: Sets the number of game ticks between each port tick. Increase this if Ports causes lag on your server.
  • notify-tick-period: Sets the number of port ticks between each notification. Adjust this if you feel that notifications occur too quickly or too slowly when players are standing within port activation areas.

The file also contains a number of translations, which you can customise. This feature can also be used to translate messages into other languages.


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