Plate Mines



Plate Mines allows the server owner to decide what redstone devices a player/Mob will no longer be allowed to interact with (specifically pressure plates and tripwires). Also, allows server owner to decide to kill the player or have them explode if desired.


This simplistic plugin works well on servers where you have a pvp environment or maybe just want to run a fun event.

Plate Mines v3.0.0.2 works with:

  • 1.7.2 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12

(May work with other versions but these have been tested)



Feeling overburdened with money? Consider becoming a patron on my Patreon account.



(All information below applies to version

(Delete previous config files when updating from a version under 3 or add in new options)


  • Configuration file to allow the server owner to set what the players can still use
  • Players can be set to be ignored, killed, or to explode on contact with a redstone trigger
  • Optional tool (shears) needed to "diffuse" a redstone trigger
  • Ability to cause trap to fail and item to be dropped


Only use one permission of each item max per player. If a player has more than one permission or a global toggle is set it will default to STOP - EXPLODE - KILL in that order.

If you wish to not use permissions and just to use the config toggles you may ignore this permissions section entirely.

  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Stop
  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Explode
  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Kill
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Stop
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Explode
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Kill
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Stop
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Explode
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Kill
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Stop
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Explode
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Kill
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Stop
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Explode
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Kill
Override Ignore Star

If you use the '*' permission on a user/group that you wish to have something like PlateMines.StonePlate.Stop you will need to use - -PlateMines.StonePlate.Stop.Ignore before the '*' permission to enable it on that a user/group.

  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Stop.Ignore
  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Explode.Ignore
  • PlateMines.StonePlate.Kill.Ignore
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Stop.Ignore
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Explode.Ignore
  • PlateMines.WoodenPlate.Kill.Ignore
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Stop.Ignore
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Explode.Ignore
  • PlateMines.IronPlate.Kill.Ignore
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Stop.Ignore
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Explode.Ignore
  • PlateMines.GoldPlate.Kill.Ignore
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Stop.Ignore
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Explode.Ignore
  • PlateMines.TripWire.Kill.Ignore


  • None

Known Conflicts:

  • None

Configuration File:

# When set True this will not allow players to interact with the item listed globally across the server.
# Options are OFF (everything is normal), STOP (ignores player interactions),
# EXPLODE (explodes where the triggered block is), KILL (They just die).
# Default is: OFF.

# If a Permission is set to True that player will have that reaction.
# If player has more than one permission or a global toggle is set it will default to STOP - EXPLODE - KILL in that order.
# Default is: False

WoodenPlate: OFF
WoodenPlatePermission: False

IronPlate: OFF
IronPlatePermission: False

GoldPlate: OFF
GoldPlatePermission: False

TripWire: OFF
TripWirePermission: False

StonePlate: OFF
StonePlatePermission: False

# If explode is used this sets the power of the explosion.
# Default is: 1.

ExplodePower: 1

# If True player will be killed regardless of health when an explosion is triggered from above listed blocks.
# Default is: False

AlwaysKillOnExplode: False

# If True players will have a chance to not be killed/explode (excluding if always kill is True) when event is triggered.
# Default is: False

AllowChanceToIgnore: False

# How often will the devices fail? 1 = 1%
# This setting only is used if the Allow Chance above is set to True.
# Default is: 15

ChanceToIgnoreOutOf100: 15

# If Set to True players must have shears in their hand in order to right click to remove the redstone trap and reclaim the item.
# Note that when set to True if a player breaks the block or the block under the trigger item that is not set to off it will trigger.
# As well as when True players will receive a message that a tool is needed to diffuse.
# Default is: False

ForceDiffuseTool: False

# If set to True the redstone trigger will be deleted if set off.
# Default is: False

RemoveBlock: False    

# When set True this will not allow mobs to interact with the item listed globally across the server.
# Options are OFF (everything is normal), STOP (ignores entity), REMOVE (removes entity), EXPLODE (explodes entity), KILL (Simulates impacting the ground until dead).
# Default is: OFF.

WoodenPlateMob: OFF
IronPlateMob: OFF
GoldPlateMob: OFF
TripWireMob: OFF
StonePlateMob: OFF

# If explode is used this sets the power of the explosion.
# Default is: 1.

ExplodePowerMob: 1



  • Delete old config or add in the new options when updating to v3
  • Diffuse Tool is only for player options not for mob options

This plugin was authored by pyropyro78. (Connect on Twitter)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 24, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jul 8, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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