
== Actions ==

These commands manage actions in various ways.

- /oa action set <action> [args]
- /oa action args <args>
- /oa action undo [count]
- /oa action list

== Bans ==

These commands help manage bans.

- /oa bans ban <-n|-i> <user> [reason]
- /oa bans unban <-n|-i> <user>
- /oa bans mb <-n|-i> <user> <username[if -n] | IP[if -i]> [reason]
- /oa bans mu <-n|-i> <user>
- /oa bans list <-n|-i>

== General ==

These commands are general usage commands, more accessible to normal users.

- /oa version
- /oa login <password>
-- /login
- /oa logout
-- /logout
- /oa register <password>
-- /register <password>
- /oa change-pass <old-pass> <new-pass>
- /oa wand
- /oa save
- /oa load-new-mixins
- /oa locfix

== Gamemode Policy ==

These commands help the admin manage gamemode policies (experimental) per world.

- /oa gmp set <world> <property> [value]
- /oa gmp list

== Pager ==

These commands manage paging location for long paged outputs.

- /oa page next
- /oa page previous
- /oa page goto <no.>
- /oa page last

== User Management ==

These commands help the admin manage database records and session information.

- /oa user freeze <player>
- /oa user unfreeze <player>
- /oa user destroyaccount <player>

== Whitelisting ==

These commands manage the whitelist.

- /oa whitelist add <user>
- /oa whitelist remove <user>
- /oa whitelist show