
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

LoginCommand allows you to execute commands when players join your server.


The plugin uses command groups. Each group can have a number of commands. If a player has the corresponding permission node for a command group, those commands will be executed when he/she joins the server.

The commands are executed from the console. You can also execute player commands by adding the "sudo %name_of_player%" prefix to a command.

You can set a delay.

You can set a cooldown.

If you want some players to be ignored (regardless of other permissions), you can do that by giving them a permission node.

Setup instructions

1. Download the plugin.

2. Copy the plugin into your server's plugin folder.

3. Start the server.

4. Create a command group and add commands to it.

Let's say that we want to give Helpers a diamond pickaxe as an award when they join the server. We come up with a group name, "helpergifts" to store these commands.

The generalized command to add a command is:

/logincommand add <new group name> <command>

In this case:

/logincommand add helpergifts give %name_of_player% diamond_pickaxe

5. Give somebody the permission of the command group.

Now we have to give the permission group "Helpers" a certain permission node.

In case you use PermissionEx, the command might look like this:

/pex group Helper add logincommand.group.helpergifts

6. Further configuration:

You can find some more settings (command delay, cooldown, whether op's are exempt) in the configuration file. After making changes, issue the /logincommand reload command.


    If the plugin doesn't work:

        - Make sure that the player doesn't have the exempt permission node. See the Permissions section.

        - On default settings, operators are exempt. If you want the plugin to affect them, set the value of "ops exempt" to "false" in the configuration file, then issue the /logincommand reload command.


    Root command and aliases:


    Reload the configuration file:

        /lc reload

    Add a command to a command group; (also auto-creates the group):

        /lc add <group> <command>

    Remove a command from a command group:

        /lc remove <group> <command>


When you add a command and specify a placeholder, the placeholder will be replaced on every execution with its corresponding value.

Valid placeholders are:

    The name of the player who joins the server:



description: Allows you to edit and reload the config.
default: operators

description: The plugin will ignore your login.
default: Nobody, but if you have the * permission node (for example, your Admin group has it), Bukkit will report that you have this permission as well. Use negative permission nodes to counteract this.

description: Group specific permission for command execution.
default: nobody

Example config

execution delay (sec): 1
login cooldown (min): 60
configversion (don't change): 2
ops exempt: true
# when the above is true, operators will be ignored
  - sudo <name> warp woods
  - eco give <name> 10
timestamps (auto generated): []

The effects:
Players who have the logincommand.group.group1 permission will be teleported to warp woods after 1 second of their joining, if their last login was more than 60 minutes ago.
Players with the logincommand.group.helper permission will be given 10 units of money (the same delay and cooldown applies).


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 21, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 18, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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