


Fly across your world with these customizable launchpads!

Customize the top and bottom block that will launch you. It can be a plate or even a second block. For example, if you wanted to do grass on dirt, that would be completely fine! Walking in terrain would launch you everywhere. You don't have to worry about fall damage either. When you use a launchpad, customize the time that it takes before you take fall damage (defaults to 5 seconds)! Also customize how far you get launched with the power setting. You can even change what sound it makes when you are launched! Just make sure to use sounds from this link. Want to be on the blocks and not be launched? Sneak while standing on a launchpad!

Permissions and Commands

There is only one permission, which is launchpads.admin. Admins have access to:

/launchpads help - View help screen.

/launchpads reload - Reload config

/launchpads setpower - Set launchpad power.

/launchpads setsound - Set launchpad launch sound.

/launchpads setblock - Set launchpad block.

/launchpads setplate - Set plate block.

/launchpad setcooldown - Set how long it takes until you take fall damage.

/launchpads setpermissions <true/false> - Set the plugin to use launching permissions or not. If you enable it, the permission is launchpads.use.


Want the plugin to be enabled in only one world? Download PerWorldPlugins to do so!


This plugin is fully customizable! Make the launchpads of your dreams and launch away!


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