
This plugin adds two key functions to Minecraft. First, it allows players or the console to play a specific music disc for one player, or the whole server. Second, it adds a new way to stop the server which plays a music disc to all the players on the server and prints a countdown timer to the chat to announce when the server is going to be stopped.

Important Information

So, as it turns out, using certain symbols in the config file causes problems on certain Linux systems. I tried to fix it with v1.8.5, but that apparently didn't work. So I created a semi-lite version where I removed the config option for message format entirely. The message format is now hard-coded, so you won't be able to change it. If you have been having issues loading the plugin or using /lastcall, then please update to this version and delete your config file. I apologize for the inconvenience.
In version 1.8, I have successfully added playlists to the plugin. This means that you can create a list of songs that can be used with /play in the exact same way you would play songs normally. However, currently there are a few problems with playlists. First, there's no way to stop it in the middle. Once you start it, you have to listen the whole way through. Second, if you start another playlist before the first one ends, they'll keep going back and forth between the songs until one of them reaches the end of the list, so be careful. To keep other players from messing up your music while you're listening to a playlist, I'd suggest doing /lc exempt (or /last exempt if you have towny installed), at least until the playlist is over. Oh, and if you do /lc exempt in the middle of a playlist started by someone else(console, another player, w/e), then it will stop at the end of the current song.
I'm sorry there ended up being so many inconveniences with the new features this time, but there were more than a few problems that needed to be fixed immediately, and I wanted to let all of you start getting used to playlists and the new exempt feature. Version 1.9 will include the fixes for these issues, as well as (hopefully) a few amazingly surprisingly awesome secret bonus features that can be used when certain conditions are met :D
I definitely am looking forward to presenting everyone with the final v1.x, so keep a lookout for its release!


Well, there aren't any videos/reviews just yet... BUT! If anyone would like to make a video for the plugin, I will be glad to put it right here.
Please send me the URLs for your videos via PM, in order to keep the comments from being cluttered.

Commands and Permissions

Some of these commands and permission nodes are for v1.8, and as such do not work for previous versions.

/lc reload
alias: /last reload
reloads the plugin's config file
/lc exempt
alias: /last exempt
adds you to the list of players who won't hear music played by others. Certain exceptions exist.
/lastcall [time] [disc]
starts the countdown to the server stop and plays the specified disk. if no disk is specified, it will use the one listed in the config file. If no time is specified, it will use the time written in the config file.
/play [all|player] <disc>
plays the disc for the specified player, or for the player who used it if none is specified. When used from the console, it plays the disk to everyone if a user isn't specified. If /play all is used, it will play the disc for all players.
/playlist [help]
playlist commands. /playlist lists the available playlists; /playlist [create|delete|modify] allows you to manage playlists; /playlist [playlist] allows you to view information about the specific playlist
If you have the permission node lastcall.playlist.op, you can delete or modify any playlist. otherwise, you can only modify playlists you have created.
lastcall.playlist.create (also allows you to use delete and modify)


The default config file includes four options: Song, time, Message, and exempt.
Song specifies the default song played when you use /lastcall without any parameters, or just a time
time specifies the default amount of time to count down when using /lastcall with just a song or no parameters
Message is the message to broadcast at intervals during the countdown. put <time> wherever you want the number of seconds to be displayed, and use an ampersand (&) for color codes.

exempt is a list of players who won't hear songs that others play. I'd suggest leaving this one alone and just letting players set this for themselves.

Bug Reports/Source/Suggestions

You can find the source, submit bug reports, and give me suggestions on the github page.
Bug Reports/Issues
When reporting a bug, please include the plugin version, minecraft version, and bukkit version you are running, along with any error reports generated, so that I can figure out what is wrong more quickly.


  • Add a way to perform "pause/stop", "next", and "previous" for playlists
  • Fix playlist overlapping!
  • Super secret surprise features~!
  • Add method of playing music for all players in a specific group and/or world
  • Add a command to allow users to cancel/modify an ongoing lastcall
  • change /lastcall and the cancel/modify so that when lastcall is used from console, only console can cancel/modify it
  • figure out a way to make it harder to run away from the music without loading down the server.
  • make this post look better and get some pictures.... (donations of artwork are welcome! PM me, you'll receive credit beneath your contribution if it ends up in the post)


Update notes: when updating to v1.3, you must delete your old config file.

This plugin uses an extended version of MCStats/PluginMetrics called MetricsExtension, AKA EMetrics. There aren't very many plugins using it yet, (I think it's just this and mcmmo) but it adds some very useful features to the Metrics API that make it a whole lot easier to work with. If you would like to know more about what kind of information is being sent by this plugin, you can read about it at the MCStats home page: MCStats :: LastCall

Try Me!

Want to try out the plugin first? You can check out LastCall on the server at and see the latest version of the plugin. All users have permission to use /play here, so you're free to come see how that works. If you want to know more about the server, specifically, their website is here: MinecraftDreams
This server will usually have the latest version with a few additions. For now, the only exclusive command is /testcall, the demo version of /lastcall. it has all the same syntax as /lastcall.
The current LC demo version is v1.8.5 MD-lite.


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